
Archiv / News: Recent posts

2.0 Development started

Hello all,

Today we would like to announce the beginning of the development of the 2.0 version of Archiv for TinyMCE. There has been quite a lot of response to the plugin and we would like to thank you all for the support, feature requests and patches!

Currently the new features for version 2.0 are being listed, we will put them online as soon as the development-process is rounded-up. The features that are already listed are:... read more

Posted by W. van Kuipers 2010-05-30

Version 1.0 release

Hello all!

I am glad to announce the release of Archiv version 1.0!
Many bugs have been crushed and the improvements are major, the code is now using the jQuery framework and 90% of the JS code has been rewritten.

From now I will be releasing the code on a more regular base as it will be used in my own web projects a lot more frequent. I will soon set up the Wiki for documentation, meantime please use the forum and bug report system to ask questions and report bugs, I will do my best to resolve them all.... read more

Posted by W. van Kuipers 2009-10-05

Welcome all!

Welcome on the new project page of Archiv on We use TinyMCE ourselves in websites but we missed a plug-in to upload images to within TinyMCE. So we made one! We worked the past weeks on this plug-in and adapting it to our needs. Now we feel the need to share our work with the world.
TinyMCE is used to edit text with an JavaScript interface. With the Archiv plug-in for TinyMCE you can add the ability to upload and add images to your text.
We hope you can use this plug-in with you projects! We like to invite everyone to help us make this plug-in better. So if you have tips or ideas on how we can improve this plug-in don’t hesitate to contact us!
Have Fun with Archiv!

Posted by Anonymous 2008-09-10