
Arch4J / News: Recent posts

Arch4J version 1.1 released

Arch4J, the Java architecture framework that provides an infrastructure of services and a toolkit to support enterprise development, now has a new release.

This release includes a new XML-driven property manager to consolidate the myriad .property files used before. It also allows a datatype to be added to properties, such as boolean, int, double.

The data access component is now transaction-aware and can work with many of the existing connection pools available J2EE servers.... read more

Posted by Ross Greinke 2004-02-17

Arch4J UI version 1.0.3 released

The Arch4J UI Framework, Arch4J's Swing-based, user interface framework, now has a new release.

The UI Framework eases the creation of an Explorer-like user interface, with a tree component on the left and a panel on the right.

The new features of this version include new Table components for manipulating objects in a read-only table, new features in PropertiesPanel including enabling and disabling text fields.... read more

Posted by Ross Greinke 2002-10-04

Arch4J version 1.0.3 released

Arch4J, the Java architecture framework that provides an infrastructure of services to support enterprise development, now has a new release.

This release includes updates to the persistence component to be fully transaction aware and updates to the Java Class Generator to support all of the more esoteric keywords, such as transient, volatile, strictfp, and native.

The Ant build.xml files have been updated to work with Ant version 1.5, and the Arch4J web site now has more documentation for the features.... read more

Posted by Ross Greinke 2002-10-04

Where's Lunch 1.0

Where's lunch is the sample application that uses the Arch4J framework. This is initial release.

Posted by Allan Wick 2002-03-09

1.0.1 Release

This release brings us up to the 1.4 JDK as well as adding JBoss support and updating the database wrapper to use JDBC 2.0 compliant classes. Also minor changes required for the Wheres Lunch application.

Posted by Allan Wick 2002-03-09

Version 1.0 Release

Version 1.0 is here

Change package names to be more standard.

Moved components into their own directory structure so they may be versioned independently.

Added shell for documentation and examples to each component.

Posted by Allan Wick 2002-01-23

0.9.3 Release of Arch4J

Arch4J is a Java architecture framework that provides an infrastructure of services to support enterprise business development. Included are a layered set of modular service providers including data access, messaging, logging, etc.

The latest release of Arch4J addresses some shortcomings in the DataAccess component. We have re-written the component to be more flexible.

We have also updated the system to use the latest releases of the third party libraries, added more documentation, and enhanced the web site for the overall architecture (

Posted by Allan Wick 2001-12-13

New Release!

New package releases include the Arch4J example application Lunch-O-Matic and prototype code for the client controller.

Posted by David Colwell 2001-09-15

Arch4J 0.9.2 not released

Due to the problems with the upload server, version 0.9.2 of Arch4J was not released. It will be released once the server is fixed. Sorry for any false hope other messages may have caused.

Posted by Ross Greinke 2001-05-18

Arch4J Released

Arch4J is officially in the open source domain today as version 0.9.1 was posted to SourceForge.

Posted by David Colwell 2001-03-29