
arbplate / News: Recent posts

Active again...

After many years, I've come back to programming and this project. I just made a few changes to update the example template files and released it as 1.0.2a.

I will be doing some work to bring the project up to date and in PHP 5 standards.

Posted by Paul Arbogast 2007-11-16

1.0.2 Released

Main addition, Stats tracking.

Posted by Paul Arbogast 2002-01-22

New DOCS at

Finally finished the documentation. Will make it even better in time.

Posted by Paul Arbogast 2002-01-14

Logic fix brings out 1.0.1

Small logic error with user authentication required a bit of a re-work. Changelog is available from 1.0 for quicker update.

Posted by Paul Arbogast 2002-01-14

1.0 Released

A little late, but kinks worked out. Here's version 1.0. Still much work to do, but currently working on some other sites to show off the system.

Posted by Paul Arbogast 2002-01-13


For those that have downloaded arbplate and might have questions, yes, the documentation is VERY lacking. I'm working on it while on vacation, and hopefully will have it expanded and updated when I return.

Posted by Paul Arbogast 2001-12-24

Next Release Begining of January

Due to being away from home for the holidays, the next release (which has that {query} tag, won't be out until I return. Sorry.

Posted by Paul Arbogast 2001-12-24

Example Site

I couldn't get a mysql account here, so if you go to my project home page here, you'll be sent off to where I could put it up.

Check it out. I'm working on live examples of all the tag sets so you can see it in action, and maybe realize the power of the system.

Posted by Paul Arbogast 2001-12-16

0.8 Alpha Released

More changes. Code sped up a bit.

All tags can be nested in each other now. Big improvement.

Posted by Paul Arbogast 2001-12-16

0.7Alpha released

Have the error routines done. Database abstraction for mysql done, next is flat files (maybe xml) for those without database systems, then, slowly, the other database systems.
Still a bit to do, but it's comming along nicely.

Posted by Paul Arbogast 2001-12-13


This alpha relase is for testing the template system sans the abstraction layer and authentication.

Posted by Paul Arbogast 2001-12-12