Easier creation of groups and allowing moving discovered clients between groups.
A powerful WOL, ping, shutdown, GUI application.
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Could the feature please be added that allows the user to right click on the All machines folder and then create a new group. With the new groups the user should be able to create more sub groups or delete the current group. any clients that are in a deleted group should be returned to the All machines group.
If there are any already discovered clients in the all machines group or other groups the user should be able to select 1 or more clients at once and right click and send to group.
Presently, groups do not work that way.
You do not literally "create" a group. They are virtual.
If you add a group attribute to a host or hosts, the group will show up in the list. But there is no physical "group" created.
We can do what you are asking, but it would be a re-write of the group code.