
Aqsis Renderer / News: Recent posts

Aqsis 1.4.2 Released

Thanks to a help and hard work of our community Aqsis 1.4.2 has now been released!

This is mainly a bugfix release, resolving the following issues:

  • Incorrect fixed-size integer types in ndspy.h on some platforms.
  • Missing 8-bit character encoding.
  • Uniform user parameters not working for SDS.
  • Correct the array length count as passed by the RIB parser into RiColorSamples.
  • Fix texture(..., "lerp", 1) which incorrectly used mipmap level 1 when magnifying a texture.
  • Intermittent aqsl segfault when typechecking functions, especially external DSOs.
  • Fix the installation details for OS X to ensure visibility on the PATH.... read more
Posted by renderguy 2009-01-22

Aqsis 1.4.1 Released

Thanks to a lot of hard work by many developers around the world, and a focus on more frequent updates, Aqsis 1.4.1 has been released!

This is mainly a bugfix release, resolving the following issues:

  • Texture wrapping incorrect when texture isn't multiple of tile size.
  • Fix a serious memory leak involving string arguments to DSO shadops.
  • Added missing 'ndspy.h' include to Windows installer (NSIS).
  • aqsistex segfaults when opening 2-channel greyscale TIFFs.
  • aqsistex failed to set TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES to identify alpha channel types.
  • Fix a minor memory leak in CqDisplayRequest.
  • Fix a minor memory leak in RiProcDynamicLoad plugin handling code.... read more
Posted by renderguy 2008-09-23

Aqsis 1.4.0 Released

Its been a while, and a lot of hard work by many developers around the world, but Aqsis 1.4.0 has finally been released!

Some of the new features include:

  • All-new look!
  • Various speed improvements
  • Additional graphical tools
  • Texture library
  • Smooth shading interpolation
  • Massive support
  • OS X application bundle
  • Linux desktop integration
  • Cross-platform build system (CMake)

... and more.

As usual, thanks goes out to all involved who've helped during this release.


Aqsis Team

Posted by renderguy 2008-07-22

Aqsis in Fedora Extras!

Thanks to the hard work of the team and other contributors Aqsis is now available via Fedora Extras, as of the 1.2.0 release...

This covers FC5, FC6 and the latest development branch (FC7), for all supported architectures (i386, x86_64 and ppc).

To install, just open a console/terminal window and type 'yum install aqsis' and away you go!


Aqsis Team

Posted by renderguy 2007-03-08

Aqsis 1.2.0 Released

After a few delays, and a lot of hard work by many developers around the world, Aqsis 1.2.0 has finally been released.

Some of the new features include:

  • Various speed improvements
  • AutoShadow support
  • HDRI support (OpenEXR)
  • Implicit surface support (Blobby)
  • Layered shaders
  • RIB processing tool (miqser)
  • Cross-platform build system (SCons)

... plus much, much more.

As usual, thanks goes out to all involved who've helped during this release - Arguably the BIGGEST yet!... read more

Posted by renderguy 2007-02-19

Aqsis news available on the web site.

We are not updating the 'news' section of the SF site anymore, all Aqsis news is available on the project web site at

The reason for this is to avoid duplication of effort. Please refer to the web site for all up to date information about Aqsis.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2005-12-19

Aqsis 0.9.3 released

Source and Win32 packages, RPM's to follow.

This is mainly a bug fix release, lots of bugs eliminated. Some optimisations and changes in functionality, see the changelog for details.

This should be, fingers crossed, the last release before 1.0. I hope to clean up the last of the bugs before 1.0, but if time proves to be against us, it may get released with a couple of known minor bugs.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2004-12-02

0.9.2 finally released!

The source, Windows installers, and RPM's for release 0.9.2 are finally available for download. This is quite a major change from 0.9.1 (even I didn't realise just how much has changed until I came to do the release note). See the changelog, linked off the home page, for details of changes.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this mammoth release.

Work will now continue towards 0.9.3 to give include a MacOSX release, and to clean up outstanding bugs and get the test suite passing. Once 0.9.3 is released, it will be left in the wild for a while to check stability before 1.0.... read more

Posted by Paul Gregory 2004-08-11

Important: New gallery entry

Jonathan Merritt has submitted a very significant new gallery entry. You can find it under the May-Jun 2004 section. It is the first animated results from the Blender integration that he has been working so hard on over the last couple of weeks.

This animation now takes the crown of the best animation produced yet with Aqsis (out of interest, the prvious owner of the crown was also Jonathan, for his "Pintime" animation, in the "Competition" section of the gallery.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2004-06-10

MacAqsis 0.9.1 available

Thanks to Dave (Vargol).

This completes the 0.9.1 release, the most comprehensive release of Aqsis ever.

Win32 Installer/Win32 Developer Libs
Fedora 1 RPM
Source Archive
Gentoo eBuild

Thanks to all who have helped throughout.

Paul Gregory

Posted by Paul Gregory 2004-04-09

Aqsis Renderer release 0.9.1 Source, Windows binary, RPM

The long awaited release of 0.9.1 is now available for download. The source archive is ready, and the Win32 installer, along with the newly introduced 'developer' package is also available. MacOSX and Linux RPM's to follow shortly. Aqsis is a Renderman(tm) compliant 3D rendering toolkit. Aqsis is based on the Reyes rendering architecture. Features include : Programmable Shading True Displacements NURBS CSG Motion Blur Subdivision Surfaces... read more

Posted by Paul Gregory 2004-04-08

0.9.1 RPM available.

Thanks to Tobi, the first RPM release of Aqsis is now available from the downloads section.

It is built with Fedora 1, but has been tested on RedHat9. If anyone else is able to successfully test on other RPM capable distro, let me know and I will add it to the release note.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2004-04-08

1,000,000 Page hits!

During this week, we have broken the 1.000.000 page view limit. Thanks to
everyone for the interest in Aqsis! The whole team is very proud of what it
created in the last years, and it's nice to see that Aqsis has a growing
community. For you, we have a some happy news: Release 0.9.1 is getting
closer, and it will be released for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2004-03-26

0.9.0 Source archive available.

From the SF download site. This has some of the optimisation work in it. More details about the changes available in the changelog on the SF download page.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-12-06

Win32 0.9.0 Installer available

Posix/Source to follow soon. Lots of fixes and some of the work to optimise is in. Still some way to go though.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-12-05

MacAqsis 0.8.0 (stable) available

Following on from the release of 0.8.0 on other platforms, the MacOSX version is also now ready for download. This is a stable release intended as a major milestone release while work is underway to optimise the whole system. Thanks to Michel Joron for preparing this package.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-10-01

Aqsis Renderer 0.8.0 (stable) available

The latest stable release of Aqsis Win32 and source are now available to download. Work can begin in earnest now of optimisation and further stabilisation. Aqsis is a Renderman(tm) compliant 3D rendering toolkit. Aqsis is based on the Reyes rendering architecture. Features include : Programmable Shading True Displacements NURBS CSG Motion Blur Subdivision Surfaces

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-09-22

Release 0.7.19

This is purely a bugfix release intended to provide a final test version berfore 0.8 is released in about a weeks time. Please test this a thoroughly as possible and report bugs before the end of next week (2003/11/19).

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-09-12

New Gallery Image

Tim Shead takes control of the July/August gallery again. This time with an excellent comic image. Really nice lighting and modelling, and an excellent humorous feel.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-08-28

New Gallery Image

Michel Joron has submitted a new image for the Gallery showing just how useful the bake() functionality in Aqsis can be. He includes some technical explanations of the process and the benefits. It also illustrates the seamless integration of the Darktree RenderMan plugin into Aqsis thanks to our DSO shadeop support.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-08-27

Release 0.7.18

A new release across the board (Win32, Posix (source), MacOSX) is now available. Very little has changed from 0.7.17 (only small bugfixes), this is intended to be a final test release prior to 0.8. Barring any major show stoppers, this will become 0.8.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-08-26

New Gallery Submission

Jaakan Shorter has provided a very interesting new composition for the July/August Gallery. In fact two images showing the before and after effect of true displacement.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-08-26

Latest release 0.7.17

While this is mostly a bug fix release, there are a couple of early optimisations which can make quite a difference to render times.

Both source and Win32 installer are ready to download.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-08-22

New Gallery Submission

Another image from Tim Shead (K3D). Showing custom shaders, and motion blur. See the July/August gallery page.

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-08-18

Aqsis Renderer bug fix release 0.7.16

This is just a bug fix release. There was a critical bug in the 0.7.15 release which meant the Aqsis executable wouldn't work under Windows, it couldn't find displays an other resources via the environment variables. Aqsis is a Renderman(tm) compliant 3D rendering toolkit. Aqsis is based on the Reyes rendering architecture. Features include : Programmable Shading True Displacements NURBS CSG Motion Blur Subdivision Surfaces

Posted by Paul Gregory 2003-08-18