
0.0.4 released

I've just tagged and tarred up this release of Aptitude, and as soon as some brokenness in SourceForge clears up (I had to abort my first upload of the file, and now I can't upload a new version) I'll do the actual release.
In case you can't wait to see it, here's the changelog entry for this release:
Version 0.0.4
* "New Year's Resolution" release. I actually managed to fix everything
which I claimed I would, but I've resolved never to promise to fix
something in the next release again. Even to myself. ;-) Also, I want
to release versions more often..

* Aptitude now tries to Do The Right Thing with regard to the dselect
state of a package by adjusting its own state when the dselect state
changes in between runs. This prevents the really bad problems I

* The interface coloration is now configurable (see README for details)

* More information is available in the download screen -- the actual amount
of data dowloaded for each item and an estimated time to completion (for
everything) are displayed.

* Compiles against libncurses5, although there's an annoying visual bug when
using libncurses5 that I can't get rid of (leaveok doesn't seem to hide
the cursor anymore..)

* Fixed the bug which caused ORs in dependencies to apparently continue
forever (that is, "Depends: libc6, mutt | mail-reader, libncurses4" would
be displayed as "Depends: libc6, mutt | mail-reader | libncurses4")

* Rewrote the various messages and interaction involving the status line
to be done the Right Way[tm].

* Aptitude now (by default) displays what changes will be made -- that
is, which packages will be installed, removed, etc, before
performing a package run -- press the "install packages" key again to

* Setting Aptitude::Auto-Install to true will cause dependencies of a
package to automatically be marked for installation when you select it to
be installed.

* Aptitude now (by default) attempts to resolve missing dependencies and
fix broken packages before doing an install run. To disable this, set
"Aptitude::Fix-Broken" to false.

* A screen with all information about the package collected into one
location is now available (by default, you can access it by pressing
Enter while a package is selected)

* Finally got rid of the visual bug that caused non-selectable things to
appear selected (I fixed it by not displaying them as selected even when
they are ;-) )

* Added descriptive headers to the version and dependency lists.

* Made the behavior of selections around non-selectable items much more

* Package trees now display, in the header, an estimate of the number of
bytes which will be downloaded and installed on the next package run.

* Packages can now be reinstalled.

* Removed a lot of the old test code. The next release will probably (see
my resolution :) ) rename "" to "".

* Documentation updates. Rewrote aptitude-hackers-guide.txt to be less a
file-by-file tour and more a high-level overview.

* Included a real CVS commit log (see ChangeLog)

Posted by Daniel Burrows 2000-01-10

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