YAHOO. In the newest APterm 0.3 (but still called 0.2 in the readme), it is possible to actually make a terminal session with the help of a small shellscript which might be incorporated directly into the code in the future.
Also there has been some big re-structuring on the host side, with all the forking now gone and the piping being handled by the shellscript. Unfortunately the script has not been commited to cvs, but (surprise) it is possible to invoke the commands yourself.
Set up two named pipes then set up the APterm to read from 1 and write to 2. After that you set up a shell that will write to 1 and read from 2. Of course both should be invoked in the background.
The actual commands:
mkfifo 1
mkfifo 2
./apterm-h > 1 < 2 &
sh < 1 > 2 &
(make sure that no stale shell or APterm-h processes is running, that will make the whole system unstable)
Then start the APterm client and you are good to go. Unfortunatly it is still not possible to receive or write whole lines.