
Apache::AppSamurai / News: Recent posts

Apache::AppSamurai 1.01 Released

Added, a authentication module for the Authen::Simple authentication framework, supporting numerous authentication methods (Kerberos, LDAP, PAM, etc.)

Added nonce and signature to login form and checking in Apache::AppSamurai::login(). (All form logins must now provide a valid nonce and signature.)

Improved detection/requirement handling for mod_perl and Crypt::CBC ciphers

Posted by Paul M. Hirsch 2008-05-04

Apache::AppSamurai 1.00 Released

Version 1.00 supports Apache 1.x/mod_perl 1.x AND Apache 2.x/mod_perl 2.x with the same code base. Also includes a number of enhancements for easier installation and better block cipher support.

Posted by Paul M. Hirsch 2007-10-01

Apache-AppSamurai-0.9 Released

Version 0.9 is up at SourceForge and on CPAN. This is the first public release.

Posted by Paul M. Hirsch 2007-07-14