
Known Issues and Workarounds

Robert Bienert

Known Issues and Workarounds

This wiki page is to discuss issues that appear when using AppLaunch and to discuss also workarounds. Note that this wiki page is not ment as a replacement for the Bugtracker'''

If you want to discuss here, you have to create an account (either for this wiki or, I don't know, but both choices are harmless), reading is open to everyone.

Launching Terminal applications

If you launch a terminal application with an own user interface or that requires user interaction (interactive; e.g. an editor) in AppLaunch, it hangs and waits until the process started exits. I recommend using in such cases where you need to interact with your applications.

First Item

I suggest, that you add your issue as new paragraph, starting with a Heading 2 and then your text. Replies (e.g. workaround) should be added at the end of an issue.


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