

howto (1)
Jan "J.J." Kischel

What's appjump?
appjump is a handy, lightweight tool for starting an application that's elsewhere on your computer. Imagine a folder with hundreds of files (that's ugly and slow on an USB memory stick), so just put appjump with .ini file in another folder, and it will work.

appjump works nearly like a .lnk file, but it won't ask if the target exists or not (good for portable storage!). You also can specify relative paths.

What's not?
appjump is not a start manager, it cannot start multiple files with one click etc.

Where to put the files?
Just put appjump's executable anywhere and give it any name (i.e. myfile.exe). Then, give the .ini file the same name (in this example, myfile.ini) and put it in the same or any direct subdirectory. That's all.

Notice, that you have to put the .ini file into a direct subdirectory, but not into a sub-subdirectory. So, if the exe file is i.e. in C:\temp, put it in C:\temp or C:\temp\mydir, but not in C:\temp\mydir\anotherdir.

This has a very good reason: Imagine, you put it into the root of i.e. your USB memory stick or into C:\ root (whoever would do this... don't!), appjump would crawl the whole drive for a suitable ini file. That's not a good idea, so appjump is limited to direct subdirectories.

What's in the .ini file?
You need to specify the target executable you want to run and optionally can specify parameters, so you can specify these lines:

optional configurations:
params=-additional /params=here

Some operating systems doesn't seem to support running programs other than "normal". appjump cannot do what the operating system doesn't, so if it's not working - bad luck.

That's all.

appjump didn't run my application
This could have these reasons:
- The target executable is not reachable (offline network share or disconnected USB drive, etc.)
- The path to the target executable is simply wrong.
- You have multiple identically named ini files in the search path (see top). appjump serves the first successful, then quits.

Why VB6, and not
My idea was to keep it simple - especially regarding the requirements. requires you to have a .net framework installed - VB6 doesn't.

License questions
What license is valid for appjump?
appjump is released under the GNU General Public License v3 which you can fully read here:

May I use appjump commercially?
Yes! You can use appjump for private, educational, commercial or any other use if you want. Just feel free!

Can I re-distribute this software?
Yep. Read the license :-)

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