
AppCrack / News: Recent posts

File Release

After an extensive period of time, during which I hoped to release the package, I discovered a certain problem in the program. This is that once one open the program 'Launcher.bat' (which launches the program according to some user input), Launcher will attempt to extract the ASCII characters from an executable. Launcher appears to have no problem calling 'AppCrack.exe', which does the legwork, but cannot find the .txt to extract the code to. In addition, 'AppCrack.exe' cannot find the .txt which is to carry the ASCII characters so they can be translated. This error occurs no matter where the file is placed or whatever method one uses to open the .txt. This could be circumnavigated. However, it seems in some stage of the process, something is changed in the computer, causing some (not all) console applications to display the error message "Cannot find the file containing the machine code (mcode.txt)", the error message displayed by 'AppCrack.exe'. This error message is displayed by any programs which one attempts to compile and run in a C++ compiler (note the program compiles, but the application that appears does nothing), and also it should be noted that some consoles that should be hidden or appear for a very short time (like in the HL2 Source mod Gmod) all display the message, but properly complete their tasks first. I am working on the problem, but believe nobody but the most experienced devs and computer workers should download and run the program. I am aware there has currently not been any file release. This is because in my effort to remove the error message from my computer, I deleted all my work a little too hastily, forgetting to back it up. As of now, I have nothing but some of the documentation I was working on for the project. As soon as I can retrieve my work, I will post what I have for curiosity value or in case another dev wants to develop my work.

Posted by Don Castaneda 2008-11-07

Prototype Almost Ready

I am almost ready to release a prototype of the AppCrack program which will be able to extract code and tell what headers are declared. I have not yet figured out a reliable way of disassembling a .exe in any reliable order, producing mixed-up fragments of what appear to be 'pseudo-code'. Hopefully progress will be swift from the working prototype onwards!

Posted by Don Castaneda 2008-08-14

Help Wanted

I need 2 (two) programmers with experience writing in C++ to help me analyse data in order to find and categorise patterns in ASCII representations of machine code. One programmer (the senior/more experienced) will help me analyse object-oriented concepts. The other (the less experienced) will analyse things like functions, etc. to find patterns.

Posted by Don Castaneda 2008-07-29