Alexey - 2013-02-21

Common Information

Apozh is a game similar to karaoke for 2 or more players. One player sings a song while the second player should not hear it, then the song is turned backwards, and the second player tries to sing it in the 'reversed' state. Once the second player finished singing, his recording is also turned backwards. Then the second player tries to guess, what was the first player's song. A sound card, microphone and speakers are required to play this game.


On the game first launch, the settings form will be displayed. You can select the language here. Currently English and Russian are supported. You can choose the recording and playing devices and quality. You may need to select the character set from the corresponding combo-box to make the devices information display properly. You can also enter any custom character set in this combo-box manually and press enter the changes to take effect. The recommended settings for most cases are: 44100 / Mono / 16bit. You can revisit this form and change settings by selecting 'File - Settings' menu.

Recording the first player (second player must not hear this)

Press the upper 'Record' button to start recording the first player's song. Press the upper 'Pause' button, when the first player has finished singing. The signal is displayed on the first signal control. You can continue recording by pressing 'Record' button again. If you want to cancel recording, press the 'Stop' button, then you can start from the beginning. You can also open previously saved record with 'Open from file' button. Press 'Play' button to play recorded song. The red vertical line displays current position. If there is no signal, check that your microphone is plugged in and switched on. Check also, that microphone is enabled in operating system configuration. If the signal is too low or too high, check the microphone volume setting. After finishing recording you can cut the silence parts by selecting a fragment using mouse on the upper signal control and using 'Cut' button. Press the 'Reverse' button to turn the recorded song backward.

Recording the second player

Once the first player's song is reversed, the second player can start playing. You can hear the reversed song by clicking the upper 'Play' button. You can split the recording into fragments by putting markers on the signal control. Markers are put and removed by mouse clicking on the signal control. Once the marker is put, the playing will last only until the marker is reached. You can remove all markers by right-clicking on the signal and selecting corresponding menu. Repeat the fragment several times, so that the second player can remember it. Press the bottom 'Record' button to record a fragment from the second player. The recording is shown on the bottom signal control. Press the upper 'Next' button to proceed to the next fragment. The red vertical line displays from where the playing starts. You can return to the previous fragment by clicking 'Previous button'. If the last recording was not successful, use 'Undo' button to go back to the last automatically saved state. Once all fragments are recorded, the second signal can be turned backwards. Than you can try to guess, which song was sung by the first player.


Last edit: Alexey 2014-12-29