
Invoking apngasm from within Python script

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  • Michael Golden

    Michael Golden - 2020-06-06

    I have been unsuccessful in calling the APNG Assembler funciton from within Python on OS X.
    I'm not sure how to specify the directory locations of the output file or the PNG frames to be assembled based on the model in your help response: apngasm -o outfile.png frame1.png frame2.png frame3.png
    apngasm -o outfile.png frame*.png
    Any guidance and syntax for how to do this would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Max Stepin

    Max Stepin - 2020-06-07

    I'm not very familiar with Python, but I would guess you need to change the current working directory with os.chdir() or something like that,


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