
Linux x64 binary

Main Forum
  • Alexander

    Alexander - 2018-06-14

    I want to use apng2gif on AWS Lambda, but it only supports x64 binaries. I've compiled the latest version from the source but it has some color issues that don't occur with pre-built 32bit binary.
    So probably I'm doing something wrong with compilation. I was using debian:stretch docker image, commented all printf logs in apng2gif.cpp except errors (because there is no option to disable all logs), installed libpng-devel, removed shared libpng and zlib files so compiler would use static versions of that libs and hit make all.
    Can you please provide linux-x64 binary (with -disable-logs flag) or just give some tips how to compile it correctly?
    Big Thanks!


    Last edit: Alexander 2018-06-15
  • Alexander

    Alexander - 2018-06-15

    Here is my 1.8 x64 binary (with logs), apng source and gif output with color issues.


    Last edit: Alexander 2018-06-15
  • Stanislav

    Stanislav - 2018-06-15

    Upvote for the x64 binaries for Lambda, it seems very hard to gather all dependencies(



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