
Why ApexDC++ downloads users lists?

  • Gowa

    Gowa - 2007-03-05

    Hi! I try to download file from multiple users. Why ApexDC speedmod downloads filelists as well? My download queue is full of filelists (20 users - 20 filelists - too much for low speed networks). I have to remove their file lists from queue manually. That's not convenient.

    • hUpPer

      hUpPer - 2007-04-21

      You have too undo the option: automatic match queue for search list
      You can find it in settings --> download --> queue

      • Gowa

        Gowa - 2007-04-24

        Thank you! But if I turn off auto matching option will the files with the same hash but different names be added as alternative sources to my queue?

    • Gowa

      Gowa - 2007-04-24

      Thank you! But if I turn off auto matching option will the files with the same hash but different names be added as alternative sources to my queue?


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