
ActionApps / News: Recent posts

ActionApps 2.90.0 released

ActionApps Release 2.90.0

  • The release which sums all the changes over last years in SVN.
  • The last release which supports PHP 5.

For complete list of changes see the SVN Commit Log:

The clasic way - use database update script - /service/sql_update.php. Just run it - it will update the database to the version needed for latest version of AA. It updates the database structure and also checks some possible problems in the database and fixed them automatically. (BTW: It is very easy to write new tests, so if you need some, look in /service/update.optimize.class.php file)... read more

Posted by Honza Malik 2020-08-17

Thanks to JetBrains for support

| Thanks to JetBrains for supporting our open source project! JetBrains grant us a free license of the great PhpStorm IDE. Thanks!

Posted by Honza Malik 2020-02-11

ActionApps 2.50.0 released

ActionApps Release 2.50.0

- The release which sums all the changes over last three years in SVN.
- The last release which supports PHP 4.

For complete list of changes see the CHANGES file:

We have new script for database update - /service/sql_update.php. Just run it - it will
update the database to the version needed for latest version of AA. The advantage of the new script is that it not only updates the structure, but it also checks some possible problems in the database and fixed them automatically. (BTW: It is very easy to write new tests, so if you need some, look in /service/update.optimize.class.php file)... read more

Posted by Honza Malik 2009-05-21

Latest ActionApps version is in SVN (Subversion)

Please notice that the development of ActionApps has been moved to SVN (Subversion) so if you wish to use the very latest version of ActionApps you should access, or you can install the software using the command:

svn co apc-aa

However we are preparing new version 2.50 which will be the last one, which will support php 4... read more

Posted by Honza Malik 2009-04-16

ActionApps 2.8.1 released

New stable and fully functional release 2.8.1 of ActionApps is out. The main new features (since 2.6.1) are:
ActionApps 2.8.1 - list of main new features and changes

AA Input Form

- Used Xinha ( instead of HTMLArea (Xinha is not new fork of HTMLArea - better maintained, ...)
- New "store policy" could be applied to uploaded files - you can use new | overwrite | backup options - see parameter wizard
for "Insert function" on Fields setting page
- new possibility to define, how the Related Selection Window listing should look - define view for it
- added 'integer' field type so searches and sorting can be done numerically
- new Input type: Multiple Text Field - allows to enter more than one (multiple) values into one field (just like when you select multiple values from Multiple Selectbox). The new values are filled in popup
- new edit possibility for related items from itemedit
- new possibility to open inputform to popup window and fill item to another slice during filling in another item in the current slice (used in Related Item Window - enable it by 'show actions' parameter of "Related Item Window" input type)
- any AA format-string could be used for displaying selects from related slice (not only 1 field like headline........). You can place the format-string in "slice field" parameter for the Input Type. It works for all Input Types allowing displaying selections from a slice, like Selectbox, Two windows, Multiple Selectboxes, Radiobuttons, Multiple checkboxes...
- Two Boxes input type (as well as some others types) now are able to display not only name of the constant, but any other field from constant table (like value, priority, short id, ...).
You will do it by inserting const_name, const_value, const_pri, ... keywords in "slice field" parameter (you will see the parameter in the parameter wizard
- "Field to show" could be specified in Multiple Selectbox input type for slices
- List of "related" items in inputform could be now filtered for most input types. You can specify:
- Conditions in conds[] array
- Ordering of items in sort[] array
- Bins from which you want to display items
- Field to be shown (as option).
This works for: Selectbox, Multiple selectbox, Multiple checkboxes, Two boxes, Radio buttons, and Text field with presets input types (sponsored by Philip King, thanks)
- new "Form parts" feature - you can split the inputform to two or more subforms, where you can switch from one to another by clicking on the tab header. see {formbreak} alias in bottom HTML code for field. (sponsored by GreenNet, thanks)
- improved all types of selectboxes and radio selections - if the content of variable (in the database) is a bit broken so the value is not listed in the array, which specifies the selectbox, then now the value is also listed in selectbox and is displayed in red (by CSS). This behavior make us sure, that we do not loose the value if we commit the form with such selectbox. It also gives information to user, that something is not right in the database. Also the bug for multiple selections was fixed (when empty value was selected, the number was written to the database. Now empty values aren't written to the DB for text_stored fields in content table... read more

Posted by Honza Malik 2005-06-26

APC ActionApps 2.6 released

ActionApps (under the GPL) provide easy automated publishing for non-profit WWW sites and 'Usenet-like' sharing of articles between sites. This CMS software is being actively developed and is fairly stable since 1.1.0.

See demo on
username: demo1
password: demo1

New stable and fully functional release 2.6.0 of APC ActionApps is out. The main new features (since 2.4.0) are: ... read more

Posted by Honza Malik 2003-11-05

APC ActionApps 2.4 released

ActionApps (under the GPL) provide easy automated publishing for non-profit WWW sites and 'Usenet-like' sharing of articles between sites. This software is being actively developed and is fairly stable since 1.1.0.

See demo on
username: demo1
password: demo1

New stable and fully functional release 2.4.0 of APC ActionApps is out. The main new features (since 2.2.0) are: ... read more

Posted by Honza Malik 2002-11-19

APC-AA: new stable release 2.2.0

Action Applications (under the GPL) provide easy automated publishing for non-profit WWW sites and 'Usenet-like' sharing of articles between sites. This software is being actively developed and is fairly stable since 1.1.0.

New stable and fully functionable release 2.2.0 of APC ActionApps is out. The main new features (since 2.1.0) are:

- added possibility to create constant group from another
constant group (clone template)
- added possibility to create view from template (any other view)
- added possibility to define field mapping for manualy fed slices
- new field_id change utility (good for multiple slice searching)
- new alias listing column in Admin -> Fields
- slice export/import now allows gzipping of data; storing the
data to the file; storing not only slice setting, but the item's
data too
- added information, where constants are used - on constant
admin page
- new 'textarea with presets' input type
- added new possibility to "selectbox with presets" - two field
could be filled by single selection (source and source_href, for
- module interface introduced (not only slices, but other
modules are now possible to do. see /modules directory for
module listing)
- new 'inline' aliases definition (in {} brckets)
- new 'propagate changes' possibility for constants
- new hierarchy constant editor
- new calendar view
- new possibility to search across more slices
- support for 'group by' setting in admin interface (not only
for slice.php3 (Admin -> Design -> Index)
- banner display support in middle of shown items (banner
parameter for view.php3)... read more

Posted by Honza Malik 2002-06-14

version 2.0 -- live demo available

if you want to check out the website-owner interface of v 2.0
username: demo1
password: demo1

Posted by Michael de Beer 2001-10-10

APC-AA: new stable release 2.0.0

Stable release of APC ActionApps - web content management system with many improvements:

- cross server item exchange (based on RSS 1.0)
- discussion support
- related items support
- relation between slices (database tables)
- slice template exchange support

Posted by Honza Malik 2001-10-09

APC-AA : New Documentation Index

The new documentation index can be found here:

It is also in CVS, so new installs will get this in their doc/

Posted by Michael de Beer 2001-09-27

Stable v1.8 of APC-AA - web publishing system released

New stable release 1.8.0 of APC ActionApps - Collaborative web publishing tools for non-profits

- Complete web publishing system: no HTML skills required
- Fully online service: all you need is a web browser
- Article manager: all features packed into one browser-based control panel
- Configurable output: make ActionApps look like your web site
- Moderation tools: share the load of posting articles online
- Content Pooling: Swap content with other ActionApps users on same server
- Classify articles using built-in categories (or create your own)
- Search engine included
- Multilingual support: English, Spanish and Czech included (easy to add new languages) ... read more

Posted by Honza Malik 2001-06-04

project tracking operational

For the overall technical tasks, see Tasks:

For the detailed tracking, see Bugs:

Posted by Michael de Beer 2000-06-14