
HT Utils / News: Recent posts

Version 1.2 Released

This is yet another release that include some changes and fix and... stuff like that... Just go get it :-)

Posted by Dave Racine 2005-01-06

Version 1.1 Released

Go check it out in the download section. Include lots of fixes and a new user-requested function that let you specify a timeout for a username. When you load the program it checks for the username and dates and remove thoses that are outdated.

Posted by Dave Racine 2004-11-29

1.0 Finally Fixed and Working

Sorry the last 1.0 release i made had a typo error in it that prevented it from loading the language database wich is now corrected. Source ZIP and Setup now ready to download in the release section.

Posted by Dave Racine 2004-11-02

Use the CVS Files !

A bug has been found in the latest release package preventing it from running correctly, so i suggest you download the CVS files and compile them yourself if you can. The CVS files are always working and compiling correctly and, for the current state, as bug-free as possible because i always check that the project works before updating the CVS.

Posted by Dave Racine 2004-08-09

We Need Translators !

Now that the program loads the language from an MS Access database, we need some translators to make other languages. We already have English and French so anyone wishing to translate in another language should contact the project admin (
You must have Microsoft Access. E-Mail the project admin for more details.

Posted by Dave Racine 2004-05-02

New Project Admin Needed !

I can't finish this program so i want to give it to someone who can. If you know a bit of VB.NET and you want to finish it (there is only a few things left to do) e-mail me.

Posted by Dave Racine 2004-03-23

Project Back On Track

I got my high-speed connection back so i'll be able to continue the project now.

Posted by Dave Racine 2004-03-12

Updates Far Away

I lost my high speed internet connection and now i just can't update HT Utils anymore. I'll continue the development when i'll be back on high speed again. This could take some months... Sorry.

Posted by Dave Racine 2004-02-01

Project Renamed

The project have been renamed from Apache Auth to HT Utils to best reflect what the program is used for; editing .ht* files for Apache(Win32)

Posted by Dave Racine 2004-01-21

First Release !

I published my source code on the CVS and i made 2 ZIP files available for download; the exe alone and the source code (VB.NET). Please note that it's still an incomplete program, the .htaccess functions are not made yet.

Posted by Dave Racine 2003-12-30