
A couple of small bugs...

  • Patrick

    Patrick - 2015-11-05

    Hey, I was using AoI to model a tip used by an AFM for work today and noticed two small bugs:

    (Using AoI 3.0.2)
    Bug #1 If I hold SHIFT+CTRL when creating a primitive model, such as a cube, sphere, cylinder or whatnot, AoI hangs with nothing noticable in the way of errors. It simply freezes.

    Bug #2 When I convert a cube primitive to a Triange Mesh and then to a Polygonal Mesh using angles, it works, but the Alert! throws this:

        at artofillusion.ui.AutoScroller.mouseReleased(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at buoy.internal.EventLinkRecord.dispatchEvent(
        at buoy.event.EventSource.dispatchEvent(
        at buoy.widget.Widget.dispatchEvent(
        at buoy.internal.EventLinkAdapter.dispatchEvent(
    Reported 1 time(s).

    Any ideas? These aren't project crippling bugs, but they are a pain.

  • Luke S

    Luke S - 2015-11-06
    • Bug #1: Can't reproduce. What OS/Java version &tc. are you using?
    • Bug #2: This error happens for me in a variety of situations. For me, the easiest way is to use ALT+drag to move the view. Then try to select from the object list an object not currently selected. And, in fact, this was reported by another user back in 2009. [Bugs:416] follow the link to friendlyskies.

    The fact that you have bug#2 makes me think that you are running wines windows, ais think the core here is due to the way windows reads and responds to taps on the ALT key. (They activate the menu shortcut key system, and I suspect that this causes a contextual conflict)

  • Patrick

    Patrick - 2015-11-13

    I am using Windows 10 Home 64 bit, and my jre is 1.8.0_66. I have 12288 MB allocated to AoI.


    Last edit: Patrick 2015-11-13
  • Luke S

    Luke S - 2015-11-14

    Well, I use Windows 10 as well, so I don't think that is the issue. What plugins do you have installed?


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