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  • goingsouthforvacation

    Pardon me, saturation 0.6 then should be correct. testing-purposes.
    has on paper with full of everything. haven't tried. Yet. Is night.

  • goingsouthforvacation

    Pardon me, saturation 0.6then should be correct. testing-purposes. has on paper with full of everything. haven't tried. Yet. Is night.

    in them with color.

  • goingsouthforvacation
    New Copper…
    Is in fact "the metal".
    1.texture (the fuzzies…)
    on overlay and above others.
    Diffuse Hue 0.04, Saturation 0.61, Value 0.39
    Specular color White.(i think that rubber-plastic needs this too…)
    Transparency 0.97, Specularity 1.0, Roughness 0.7.

    2.texture (the gloss)
    is below the top-layer and on blend(blend fraction 0.35)
    Diffuse color same as in 1.texture, specular color same as diffuse…4now..
    Specularity 1.0. (adjust this to adjust gloss, "polishing")

    3.texture (the shininess)
    Is below the other two and on blend.(blend-fraction 0.65)
    Diffuse color same as in two others, Specular color White.
    Shininess 1.0

    There's some caustics in that pic…allot in fact..
    Very dark Specular color in Gloss-texture takes them away maybe…
    Must be careful lightening that Specular color because might make to look' something else…

    Gloss is maybe 2% and can't be more with that dark Gloss-color.

    These Blend&Overlay textures needs "this-goes-to-eleven"…
    In future, maybe somehow keeping the 0-1 for one-layer textures..
    All softer than glass should be possible to make this way, Gloss maybe not very high, As Is.

  • goingsouthforvacation

  • goingsouthforvacation

    better link…

  • goingsouthforvacation

    …maybe i write it just to be sure.
    Not an Lathe-Object.
    Polygon-objects copy&pasted, transform, scale,rename curves..123abc..,
    select curves, Tools-Skin, rearrange if has to, ok..
    select the Skinned Object, Object, Convert To Triangle Mesh,
    Scripts-Thicken, Boolean-"Tool" works just fine on these…

    ps. Rendering the Booleans the Surface Accuracy to like, 0.001 or so…
    Convert to Triangle Mesh, value given changes the mesh-density…
    In AOI-preferences there's interactive surface error, to 0.01-0.001,
    makes the mesh on viewport more dense, surface smoother.

  • goingsouthforvacation

    some silent thoughts….
    1. a tool in right-click pop-up(maybe)..
    or just objects just has a feature not going through each other..
    roughly. (bounding boxes) then maybe "free this object"
    transform-gadget turns to a nudge-tool, with 3-size arrows in handles…
    maybe some feature showing is on surface…

    2. "camera…"
    has rough grid-positions, snaps on them, first-person-shoot-viee,
    camera is in the middle, with buttons to move, everywhere…
    view is always from back of camera. "look-at-this(list)-object.
    and looks in the middle of bounding-box.
    key-framed field-of-view maybe, for Ken Burns- effect….
    camera might have the field-of-view cone…
    Always upright, the camera.
    Moves through objects, so easy to move around.

  • goingsouthforvacation

    Errr…Ummm….These multi-layer "textures"….
    I think needs a "material" inside. Just a "material" not transparent, not emissive, …

  • goingsouthforvacation
    Speculars a few…
    Tested this Sun is 0.5° wide on the sky….If is.
    But anyway the "Sun", is a point-light intensity 1.5,
    location x= 70 000, y= 70 000, z= 0.
    Decay = 0.0
    Radius 110

  • goingsouthforvacation

    was thinking a little what could make the AOI special.
    A collisions' marker-kinda-a-thingy.
    So could add sounds in simulations etc.
    Also for particles.
    One could do this already, make a rendered animation, and keyframed visibility, for, say, spheres,
    and then frame by frame checking the collisions…
    So to make a sounds"-track.

    in fluid-simulations, metaball-size tweak, no need to bake again,
    annnd….surface-accuracy in render.

    make a thick fluid. fluid-params, density 3000, body-acceleration y= -3.33
    object-management, emitter density, affects the amount of particles.
    the fluid is amount of fluid, like in container. try. looks" great.
    physically accurate model do….times are correct.

  • goingsouthforvacation

    thinking physical collisions, fluids…
    grid in AOI is a meter by meter…id est, 3.3'x3.3'

  • goingsouthforvacation

    [quote 10.
    say, the rubber. …
    has a bit low-end tick
    bigger object….self-collision's value a reverb attenuating %
    like 5 -> 5 dense ticks each -20% in amplitude

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