From: Ole N. <ole...@gm...> - 2007-11-01 00:09:08
Hello Joaquim and other list subscribers Thank you very much for the posting and for enlightening us on the topic of image registration. To be totally honest, we have never thought about this in our development of ANUGA. Talking to the team, I am pretty convinced that we had the gridline paradig= m in mind when we wrote the code to export from triangular meshes to ASCII grids. The format was inspired by ARC which is what we needed to export to (and from). Hence, we take the lower left corner (xllcorner, yllcorner) to be the west-most and south-most point of the grid with all other points being offset as multiples of the grid resolution: x_i =3D xllcorner + i*offset y_j =3D yllcorner + j*offset with i, j =3D 0, 1, ..., N This means that we would interpret the first points (i=3D0, j=3D0) as x_0 =3D xllcorner y_0 =3D yllcorner We believe this is the way grids are interpreted by ARC but we could be wrong. In any case it sounds like we are using grid line registration according to the definitions you pointed to. It is, of course, entirely possible that we have made mistakes in the conversion as you suggest and we welcome your efforts to correct these. In fact, this was one of the motivations for making ANUGA open source: That skilled people like yourself would pickup errors and inconsistencies so tha= t the model can improve over time. If you were to rewrite the export routine, we would be very happy to includ= e it in ANUGA (wither appropriate acknowledgement, of course), but we would ask that any new or improved routine comes with unit tests (as you can see in Alternatively, the problem might be resolved by changing the easting_max line you mention to follow the grid_line paradigm. In any case, we are grateful for this kind of feedback and eager to improv= e the ANUGA code base together with the growing community. Best regards Ole Nielsen Geoscience Australia ----Original message Hello, greetings from the Atlantic. First, a word of warning for anyone who might be using the GMT program grd2xyz -E to convert into Arc/Info .asc files. That program is bugged in the sense that it produces wrong lower left corner coordinates. It does create xllcenter & yllcenter keewords (which I'm afraid anuga interprets as xllcorner & yllcorner) but its coordinates are shifted 1/2 cellsize in the west and north direction. This issue leads me to the main point of this message the - pixel vs gridline registration - confusion. For a nice (with graphical) explanation of this matter see this GMT doc pag= e By definition referencing with xllcenter & yllcenter means that the pixel registration is adopted. The convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf() copies the .asc header into the .dem netCDF file and so we can say that the .dem grid is pixel registered. Now the dem2pts() function. At line n=BA 1335 we have if easting_max is None: easting_max =3D xllcorner + ncols*cellsize this is correct in the pixel registration universe but I wonder if that is really the intention for at line 1372, we have now for j in range(ncols): x =3D j*cellsize + xllcorner but these x are computed using the gridline registration paradigma. Otherwise, it would have to be x =3D (j + 0.5)*cellsize + xllcorner Please correct me if I am wrong Best regards Joaquim Luis |