
AntForm / News: Recent posts

Antform 2.0 released

Antform 2.0

Changes from 2.0 beta 2 to 2.0

Changes that could break older environments:
- BUG 2012577: stylesheet and icon files were resolved from the current working directory instead of the ant project base directory (ant standard).
- Use the class "File" in the save attribute to let ant handle the basedir.
- BUG 2498317: The trick parentFrame.setLocation(-500, -500) does not work on non-windows systems. Use null as parent instead. Drawback: no more icons on non-windows systems.... read more

Posted by Patrick Martin 2009-02-01

Antform 2.0 Beta 2 released

Antform 2.0 beta 2

Changes from 2.0 beta 1 to 2.0 beta 2

Changes that could break older environments:
- Empty form do not display any more by default.
The previous behaviour can be obtained by setting the
new antform/antmenu attribute showwhenempty.

Fixed bugs:
- Documentation fixed for attribute loopexit.

Posted by Patrick Martin 2006-11-30

Antform 2.0 Beta 1 released

Antform 2.0 beta 1

Changes from 1.4.6 to 2.0 beta 1

Changes that could break older environments:
- Deprecate <table> "data" attribute. This attribute was not
coherent with other components which use the property
value as default value.
The build won't fail if the data attribute is set, but a
Warning will be printed out and the table may not be

Fixed bugs:
- Fixed focus management. The antform "focus" attribute is
deprecated and replaced by a "focus" attribute on
individual widgets.
- All requirable widgets had their labels prefixed with '*',
not only required ones.
- Validate all antmenuitems configuration, not only the
first one.
- NPE when specifying selector before values in all
selectionproperty type of widgets.
- NPE when user closes the form using the window decorators
(top-right cross on Windows)... read more

Posted by Patrick Martin 2006-11-17

Antform 1.4.6 released

Antform 1.4.6

Changes since 1.4.6beta2:
- Labels expand properties in antmenu (was working only in antform)
- On Windows (not tested on Unix like OS), the taskbar will contain an icon for each antform/antmenu
- Possibility to specify an icon image (will replace the default coffee cup)
- Addition of in antform.jar (was documented, but not there...)

Changes not affecting end-users:
- Creation of the mailing list
- Migration to a SVN repository
- Make sure the target JVM is 1.4 during compilation... read more

Posted by Patrick Martin 2006-05-16

Antform 1.4.6beta2 released

Here is what was changed since 1.4.2:
. New table attribute: bestFitColumns
. Add tooltips
. New checkSelectionproperty and radioSelectionProperty attributes: 'columns'
. Hide ok, reset or cancel button when label is empty.
. 'background' attribute for links (experimental)
. It is now possible to use custom widgets. Such widgets must extend com.sardak.antform.types.BaseType
. The properties save feature keeps the original property file layout and content
. Form properties are now saved in the ant project before link invocation
. Fixed bug: properties were saved when clicking cancel
. Several bug fixes and cleanup

Posted by Patrick Martin 2006-01-23