
Antdepo 1.3.1-rc2 released

What's New since 1.3.1-rc1:

Improved integration with Jobcenter. Execution output is properly contextualized.

'ad' command has --terse option to reduce metadata logging when running on the commandline. Also, new '-l' loglevel flag added.

SSH nodedispatch is enhanced to support "user@hostname" values in the Hostname field of a Node object. When this is used, the user name is used for the SSH connection, allowing a custom username to be set per-Node.

A Maven 2 plugin has been created allowing Antdepo commands to be invoked during a maven build phase. See .

Changes since 1.3.1-rc1:

Bugfix: Inherited command handlers would be overridden by handlers in the local module, even if the command is not defined.

Modules installed by the commander extension are cleaned up by the installer when upgrading occurs.

Session feature used by some base type commands was updated to fix a problem causing session data to be carried over from one command to another.

Updated setup scripts to correctly set user-specified JAVA_HOME to be used when executing Antdepo.

Improve emailing in error handlers to skip invalid addresses.

Posted by Greg Schueler 2008-02-05

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