


Encoding Syntax


These codes are parsed via an astring conversion function. Any function in AnsiGL that accepts a std::string will (so far, without exception) automatically convert easily-typable codes with ANSI codes via this basic syntax...


A carat ('^', shift+6 on US keyboard layouts) signals the start of an ANSI code sequence. Once started, a single character code can be given (ex: "^r" to change the color to red), a list can be contained withing curly brackets (ex: "^{...}" with any number of ANSI codes inbetween) to pass multiple ANSI codes at once, or another carat ("^^") to print a carat character into the string.

AnsiGL ANSI Codes

Character ANSI
Special Control Codes
D Restore everything to defaults
Normal Foreground Colors
k Foreground color: Black
r Foreground color: Red
y Foreground color: Yellow
g Foreground color: Green
b Foreground color: Blue
m Foreground color: Magenta
c Foreground color: Cyan
w Foreground color: White
d Foreground color: Default
Bold Foreground Colors
K Foreground color: Bold Black
R Foreground color: Bold Red
Y Foreground color: Bold Yellow
G Foreground color: Bold Green
B Foreground color: Bold Blue
M Foreground color: Bold Magenta
C Foreground color: Bold Cyan
W Foreground color: Bold White
Background Colors
1 Background color: Black
2 Background color: Red
3 Background color: Yellow
4 Background color: Green
5 Background color: Blue
6 Background color: Magenta
7 Background color: Cyan
8 Background color: White
9 Background color: Default
Special Formatting
* Bold On
. Bold Off
/ Italics On
\ Italics Off
_ Underscore On
- Underscore Off
: Blink On
; Blink Off
I Invert Colors (foreground and background)
i Un-invert Colors


ANSI Code Sequence Result
Single Character Sequences Single Character Sequences
^r Normal red foreground
^8 White background
^/ Italic text
Multiple Character Sequences Multiple Character Sequences
^{g3:} Green foreground, yellow background, blinking text
^{k8} Black foreground, white background
^{1243567KybM} Bold Magenta foreground, cyan background (and lots of ignored codes due to code conflicts, the right-most codes have priority)

Just to show a full example:

^{7k}AnsiGL ^Rr^Yo^Gc^Mk^Ws^B!

Results in:

"AnsiGL rocks!"

Colorized to have: a cyan background, AnsiGL in black text, the 'r' in bold red, the 'o in bold yellow, the 'c' in bold green, the k in bold magenta, the s in bold white, and the exclamation point in bold blue.