
Tree [aa9d72] master 2.5.0 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2017-06-23 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [2dad3c] [update] @Note version to 2.5.0
 Docs 2016-04-21 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [9935ba] V2.2 - Moved Maven
 anotecore 2017-06-02 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [7a4999] [bug fix] Default Docs directory
 anotemanagement 2017-05-10 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [d01ea7] [update] Plugins uid
 cluestering 2017-05-10 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [676816] [update] Ant build - create repository
 conf 2017-05-26 RRodrigues RRodrigues [cf331f] [Update] Hibernate config to use c3p0 pool conn...
 corpora 2017-06-01 RRodrigues RRodrigues [0a4bed] [BugFix] Few null pointers and operation enabel...
 gate8 2016-04-21 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [9935ba] V2.2 - Moved Maven
 help 2016-04-21 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [9935ba] V2.2 - Moved Maven
 jre 2016-04-21 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [9935ba] V2.2 - Moved Maven
 lib 2017-05-10 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [2c4f66] [update] aibench
 machinelearning 2017-06-14 RRodrigues RRodrigues [d318ed] [Add] Now configuration could set forbidden tra...
 ner 2017-06-01 RRodrigues RRodrigues [4674ef] [Update] Solve "?" string
 plugins_bin 2017-05-10 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [2c4f66] [update] aibench
 publicationmanager 2017-06-23 talves talves [bb0062] [bug fix] bug of patent repository in patent pi...
 relation 2017-06-22 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [57721d] [add] KineticRE linkage to Wiki
 resources 2017-05-09 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [b16fb1] [update] plug-in version to 2.5.0
 src 2017-05-19 RRodrigues RRodrigues [f24393] [Update] remove hibernate dialect from hibernat...
 target 2017-06-23 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [2dad3c] [update] @Note version to 2.5.0
 testplugin 2017-05-12 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [6bef1e] [migrate] Patent pipeline from test to publicat...
 workflows 2017-05-09 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [b16fb1] [update] plug-in version to 2.5.0
 .classpath 2017-05-16 RRodrigues RRodrigues [0e4317] [Update] ant build fix (biotml and mew utilitie...
 .gitignore 2017-03-31 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [cc022e] [x] Sourceforge migration commit
 .project 2016-04-21 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [9935ba] V2.2 - Moved Maven
 Info.plist 2016-04-21 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [9935ba] V2.2 - Moved Maven
 anote2buildmaven.xml 2017-06-05 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [17c0a2] [update] Ant build for test plugin
 invis.vbs 2016-04-21 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [9935ba] V2.2 - Moved Maven
 license 2017-04-04 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [787a10] [update] Add Patent pipeline to Publication man...
 parameters 2016-04-21 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [9935ba] V2.2 - Moved Maven
 plugins.dat 2016-04-21 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [9935ba] V2.2 - Moved Maven
 pom.xml 2017-06-23 Hugo Costa Hugo Costa [2dad3c] [update] @Note version to 2.5.0