
2009: An Odd Space / News: Recent posts

New News

Somehow, this project is on the first page in the RTS games category, and I've seen alot of traffic, comparatively, when looking at the new piwik statistics.

I just wanted to take this chance to apologize to anyone that's downloaded my code.

Just kidding, I don't think it's that bad. The game isn't in a very playable state at the moment though, which is why I'm making this post. I've recently set up a git repository, and am committing the newest changes there as soon as possible. So, while I'd definitely welcome some suggestions on the code, art style, or gameplay, I think I'm still at least a month away from a playable (read: entertaining) state.

Posted by Doug Jenkins 2009-07-17

New Release v0.20


Rewrote most of the Game UI using flex components. Started work on drag-selecting multiple stuff
at one time. Still need to figure out how to handle the selected objects (grouping and display, etc)

Originally wrote out some .mxml files for the UI, but ran into a bug(?) using the popupmanager class
where the framerate would go unlocked (+60fps). Now I'm just using the flex extending the flex
components as actionscript classes. Might look at shifting the movement stuff to a regular timer
instead of listening for the enter_frame event.

Posted by Doug Jenkins 2009-06-23

New Release v0.17


Updates to the level editor allowing the specification of 'factions' for most objects. Added
a 'player start' object that determine's the player's start position and faction. Starting ship
type is still based on the profile data in 'xmlData/playerData/testPlayer.xml'

Updated preloader that allows the selection of maps listed in 'xmlData/mapData/mapList.xml'

New ship type, lightFreighter added, along with some updates to 'ai/' that
allow mining ships to dock with the frieghter while set to the 'harvest asteroids' action. The frieghter
will, in turn look for another dock target once its cargo is full.

Posted by Doug Jenkins 2009-05-11

New Release v0.15


Level editor is mostly finished. Abstracted the userInput to work with the editor, so you can use
the arrow keys to pan the map around as well as dragging the little box on the radar.

Changed to parse the new format of the saved map xml data. Seems to be working pretty

Still todo:
- editor
- flesh out the 'edit details' functions
- ^ add function to change the parallax image
- gameloader / preloader
- function to select different maps, probably need a 'map list' config file
- baseClasses
- correctly parse the new xmlData from the map editor.

Posted by Doug Jenkins 2009-05-01

New Release v0.13

The latest demo can be found on the project web page


Pretty big update. Refactored the '' class, and organized the code a bit. Now
using package namespaces to keep the source a little cleaner.

Updated the targeting, so now individual modules can have different targets. Can now target
the closest 'enemy'. Right now implemented with a faction string. Still more work to do there.... read more

Posted by Doug Jenkins 2009-04-27

New Release v0.12

The latest demo can be found on the project web page


Added some actions to the '' class. The dummy ship in the demo can now follow
you around accurately, and it can auto mine and sell minerals at the station.

Introduced a bug where you can sell while not docked at the station

Next big todo is targeting and auto-attacking

Posted by Doug Jenkins 2009-04-24

Project Created

Hello sourceforge! Thanks for hosting my project. I've uploaded the current (working) alpha version along with 2 screenshots.

Posted by Doug Jenkins 2009-04-21