
Anime W00t! / News: Recent posts

I will not let this project vapor.

I started the Anime W00t project in 2003 with some friends. However we had a blow up and they sabotaged the project. It took me a while to finally get it reset up and I tried to recruit other people. The problem is, everyone was expecting something and when they saw that the were not getting compensated monitarily they shoved the project on the back burner an just paid me lip service. Others just got busy with thier own lives as the project contiuned to flownder. All I keep hearing is "give up just submit to the fact that Anime w00t is vaporware." Well it is not. I will start recruiting again and I hope I will find like minded individuals who will assist me but until that time I am focuseing on the project mainly by myself and I promise anyone who graces these pages that it is not vaporware.

Posted by Terrance Cummings 2006-01-18

Change of, Change of plan

Anime W00t has decided to completely reinvent itself. talented programmers have been inducted into the project and we will soon begin codeing once we decide what will be going into the first version.

Posted by Terrance Cummings 2005-06-08

Change of plan

With the addition of a new programmer and the power of the QT toolkit, Anime W00t! will be developed using C++. This will also allow us the ability to make AW a cross-platform application.

Posted by Terrance Cummings 2003-04-02

And so it begins....

I know you're watching, wonding what this is all about. As one anime otaku to another; I hope this project makes your expectations. Please If you can think of what you'd like in a anime based fileshareing service, let me know in the features page.

Posted by Terrance Cummings 2003-02-26