
Anime-Mix / News: Recent posts

Updated Code in Cvs

I've been doing Small Cvs updates here and there for anyone who used the source code, Been working mostly on the irc lately, hehe just cant be content with it yet, i do need to work on other bugs. few things needing to be done w/irc, fix the names/modes and that should be it. other things need to do are work on sizers some, for people with lower resulotions, I'm bout 1440x900 so people who use 800x600(lol yah that is a horrid rez)So far i've yet to get any feedback, but thats great :), this app still needs lotsa work, well nuff ranting. :)

Posted by Nozuma 2007-11-15

Uploaded 1.08

Just uploaded 1.08 win version, just unzip it and run the amix.exe, or grab the source and check out my ugly code :D. Lots of bugs here and there, but figured i'd put out a newer version atleast. they are in the download section


Posted by Nozuma 2007-11-03

To Do List!

Hmm lots of things actually, heres few goals ideas i may or may not try hehe:

1. get sizers working on it, yah i have been procrastinating them :\.

2. put out a newer exe (maybe this week sometime) source is in cvs pretty up2date

3. make the app more user friendly

4. chop down and take out old code, replace with better performace code hehe takes awhile :)

5. working on an image viewer that'll tie in with the search, may also do something with the movies for auto-preview.... read more

Posted by Nozuma 2007-10-28

Picked Up again!

well i finally got my old hard drived up and running only thing i was able to salavage was the source for it :) hehe i guess i need to back up on here more often, well i updated my wx and boa so hopefully i can get more functionality out of it. did some basic updated, switched the irc over to richtextctrl(shweeetness) updated suki and ann pages so they work decently well i'll keep goin on with it. thinkin of new idears still... read more

Posted by Nozuma 2007-10-21

goin slow

heya, I know it's taken awhile for a release, mainly i've been to busy with work lately, but i haven't given up on this project yet, i'll keep worken on it long as i can ^^.

Posted by Nozuma 2007-02-22

check the website

hey guys, I'm pretty much just updateing the blog website, because it's easyer, information wise, page hits are pretty low thats good i guess. takes some pressure off rushing anything out hahahaha. anyway check project website out for more info, its teh link to the upper right


Posted by Nozuma 2007-01-09

still worken

yeah for details goto the blog/websites. Also The most recent version is zipped up in .rar format, rar is like .zip but got alil compression with it. but not alot of people use it windows users
so you will need a rar extractor to uncompress it.
i'll make the next one .zip for convenience. err can't spell, anyways the forums are freaking full of post only by me!. gah i get no support ;_;, not even a hello. come on if you even think this app is crap, just say why it is and give some feed back. lol even in irc its tough gettin anything out of anyone. and yeh i'm lookin for people to help with it to, just dl the code and see what you can do, if you feel you can help just drop a line in the forums

Posted by Nozuma 2006-12-27

still worken on it

oye I do hate internet stufforz. lol well i'm still worken on it here, just trying to get over this small hump, dont want to release anything to ghetto yet hahaha.

Posted by Nozuma 2006-12-26

Updated Website

ah changed website to a blog version, for better update info on how the project is going. I'm workin on it slowly, lately i dug a deeep hole on one feature, climbin out it slowly


Posted by Nozuma 2006-12-16

Slow Update

Heyas, i'm slowly working on the next update, adding sizers and thinking about new features. so may be awhile for next update. seeing as i have 0% feedback, until i recieve some i'm going to take my sweet time. :P

Posted by Nozuma 2006-12-05

1.05 with new stuff!

Haha, added a few more tabs, I think the torrent one and the packlist one, may be a few bugs in there somewheres ;). I went with .rar this time think I got lil more compression with it. give it a try and tell me what ya think.

Posted by Nozuma 2006-11-27

1.03 version added

just added the updated version of it. want to help? want to add feedback? please go ahead :)

Posted by Nozuma 2006-11-21

Up and started

Ah working on it atm, just getting some things ready before i post anything.

Posted by Nozuma 2006-10-30