
AniClient / News: Recent posts

Not totally dead....

Just to let people know that the project, if _really_ slowed, isn't totally dead.....
I haven't worked on it much lately, but i plan to at least try to fix some stuff ^_-

Posted by Nicolas Weeger 2002-11-16

Build 52

Build 52 is out.
Fixed some crashes, and HXD compatibility should be fixed.

Posted by Nicolas Weeger 2002-02-10

Build 51

Finally released build 51 of AniClient

New feature: site banner caching
* upload resume bug
* tray popup focus trouble
* local file list not resizing
* correctly disables chat commands ('/bcast', etc) when no permission
and a few more i won't list here ^.^

Enjoy !

Posted by Nicolas Weeger 2001-10-18

Build 50

Build 50 is out.
Banner support is finally included ^.^

Many GUI tweaks, a few fixed bugs, and some new features (IRC-like timestamps in chat)

Enjoy !

Posted by Nicolas Weeger 2001-09-03

CVS now available

Heya everyone
Just to let you know CVS is now ready for AniClient. Go to the CVS project home page & follow the instructions for anonymous CVS. The module for AniClient itself is 'aniclient' (without the quotes), it contains all required files
I'll update CVS whenever i make changes, so the version should hopefully always build
You are not allowed to modify the sources, but feel free to send in patches / changes, i'll incorporate'em if they are interesting !... read more

Posted by Nicolas Weeger 2001-08-28

Web site

Just uploaded a basic website, with screenshots, features, things like that
Check it out at ^_^

Posted by Nicolas Weeger 2001-08-27

AniViewer released

Just released build 18 of AniViewer under the GNU/GPL.
AniViewer is a Windows icon viewer which'll let you see the icons in Hotline's hotline.dat file. It was developed as part of AniCONS.
(it isn't the same project as AniClient, but it does relate to Hotline ^.^)

Posted by Nicolas Weeger 2001-08-25

First release (build 49)

First GPL version just released.
It is build 49.
Check the readme files in the .zip for info on features & so on

The web site will be up as soon as i make it ^.^

Posted by Nicolas Weeger 2001-08-21