
AndroMDA 3.0-RC1 is out!

AndroMDA is a code generation framework that follows the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) paradigm. It takes a UML model from a CASE-tool and generates classes and deployable components (J2EE or other) specific for your application architecture

The AndroMDA Team is proud to release the first release candidate of version 3.0! It includes many new features, bug fixes, and much more documentation. Some of the more notable new features include:

- Property based metafacade mapping (has eliminated the need for <<FrontEndEvent>>, <<Controller>>, and <<Role>> stereotypes when modeling for bpm4struts)
- Page2page modeling is now allowed within the bpm4struts cartridge (which wasn't possible in previous versions)
- Performance improvements (up to 30% and above in larger projects)
- Spring cartridge improvements (too many to list)
- How-to documentation for both spring and bpm4struts cartridges.
- Hibernate inheritance support has been tremedulously improved (all flavors of hibernate inheritance are now supported)
- Xdoclet has been completely removed from the hibernate cartridge (everything is now fully geneated from the model)

For exact details of all improvements that have been made in this release, please see our release site:

Enjoy working with Open Source MDA!

The AndroMDA Team

Posted by Chad Brandon 2005-03-28

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