
what is the meaning of Convexity and Solidity in spheroid?

  • Joo Hyuk Kim

    Joo Hyuk Kim - 2016-12-03

    Hi, i'm in the Yonsei Univ. in Korea, 3rd semester in integrated course.
    I use AnaSP to investigate cancer spheroid characteristic further.
    I use 'sphericity' and 'volume' to investigate tumorigenicity.
    However, I cannot understand the meaning of Convexity and Solidity.
    These parameters are related to tumorigenicity? or related but not important to test tumorigenicity?
    please answer me. thank you.

    what is the proper pronounce of AnaSP and ReviSP?
    let me know about it, if it possible. thanks.

  • piccila

    piccila - 2020-06-01

    Dear Yonsei,

    Convexity in AnaSP (Matlab programming language) is computed as:
    Perimeter = struct2cell(regionprops(Mask,'Perimeter'));
    ConvexPerimeter = struct2cell(regionprops(ConvexImage{1},'Perimeter'));
    Convexity = ConvexPerimeter{1}/Perimeter{1};

    Convexity in AnaSP (Matlab programming language) is computed as:
    Area = struct2cell(regionprops(Mask,'Area'));
    ConvexArea = struct2cell(regionprops(ConvexImage{1},'Area'));
    Solidity = Area{1}/ConvexArea{1};

    For additional details, please, see the public help of the Matlab function "regionprops" and the scientific article:
    "F. Piccinini, AnaSP: a software suite for automatic image analysis of multicellular spheroids. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 119(1):43-52, April 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2015.02.006".

    If you have other questions, please, wrtite me an email at because I do not often check this webpage.

    Best Regards,
    Filippo Piccinini


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