
The Ongoing Battle

Again, no I'm not dead.

I currently have the dock working (without auto-hide, but otherwise operating as a panel). It handles app launches, adds swooby animation effects for launching and running apps (currently "bounce" and "highlight" work, although "underlay" and "overlay" are also there, but incomplete).

Workspace launcher integrates now with Beryl, and, using dbus, swaps workspaces, although it's not visually where I want it to be yet. The goal is to have a generic interface to the Window Manager, and then custom ones for where it fits.

My current vexation is the systray launcher - which I want to be able to show the current systray icons, in proper scaled, composited glory. This is a task which so far, has been fraught with endless frustration. GTK doesn't seem to like embedding tray icons when the topmost owner is a composited window. If I shut off the compositing, it all works (albeit without scaling at this point). Turn on compositing, and the tray windows don't embed properly, but instead sit there as little floating 20x20 (or whatever) windows.

I'm a-bashing away at it, though. I'll solve it, even if I've got to render everything offscreen and redirect all the I/O. :-)

Posted by Chris Macksey 2007-07-19

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