I am proud to announce our first release of AMX Mod X.
AMX Mod X 0.1 is ALPHA and therefore should be taken with a grain of salt. It may not be fully backward compatible and may be buggy! We are relying on the community's input to resolve all bugs for the next release. Our goal is 100% backwards compatibility with AMX Mod.
As of Release 0.1, I would not use AMX Mod X in a production situation. It will be more stable with version 0.2, although we will have an intermediate 0.15 release.
You can get all of the files at SourceForge, and it is highly suggested you take a look at the Documentation provided in the package files.
AMX Mod X Steam: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=100470&package_id=111666
AMX Mod X WON: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=100470&package_id=111667
Our goal for 0.15 (~2 days) is to fix known bugs (ENGINE does not find_entity and there is no xtrafun.inc backwards support).
Our goal for 0.2 is to fix all known bugs, to introduce official NS, TS, TFC, and DOD support, to introduce a finalized documentation.
Thanks for sticking with us! There is a very dedicated team behind AMX Mod X that wants to give you something good to work with =)