
Feed popularity page

  • Brian Schack

    Brian Schack - 2005-02-11
    Some minor nitpicks:

    The title of this page is "AmphetaRate - Feedpopularity". It seems to me that it should be "AmphetaRate - Feed popularity."

    The first two bulleted sentences end with periods but the third does not. For consistency's sake, I believe it should. Also it might be clearer if the scale of the average rating was mentioned:
    "The average of the ratings is 4.73" => "The average of the ratings is 4.73 out of 5 (higher is better)."

    I like how you bolded the numbers. The exclamation mark in the Check! button is contributed to a worldwide exclamation mark inflation phenomenon. It's unnecessary.

    As far as wish list requests go, it would be nice if that page had some info on the feed in question like the title and whatever other metadata you can pull out of it or even the latest headlines. I'm guessing it would be too slow to fetch and parse this on every page load and you said you were short on disk space. If you implement this in the near future you might have to go with just the title and only that on feeds that already have ratings.

    I don't know how plausible this would be: When someone enters a URL on this page that is not a feed, AmphetaRate could assume they meant the feed corresponding with that page (using the <link> tag, I believe).

    What if AmphetaRate could transform a regular news feed by adding rating links? Hopefully this would encourage non-RSSOwl users to rate articles that they are already reading.

    It's easy to get buried under a barrage of feature requests. I think AmphetaRate is a great idea, and I'm surprised it's not insanely popular yet.

    • Brian Schack

      Brian Schack - 2005-02-11

      "The average of the ratings is 4.73 out of 5 (higher is better)."
      Well, apparently I was mixed up about 5 being the max.

      • Ky Vinh

        Ky Vinh - 2005-02-11

        yep, it's 10 ;)

    • Ky Vinh

      Ky Vinh - 2005-02-11

      Hi Brian, thanks for dropping those in...

      I'm just going to fix all of those "minor nitpicks", which are all valid. But as far as the info on the feed, well, I got other things in the works, like the language filter, so that'll wait. I'm putting it in my todo... That feed popularity was a quick feature just for demo purposes. I think time can be used on other features.

      Now for your idea of transforming regular news feeds into rate-able ones, that's brilliant. I'm going to go through it. I'm already doing that for the recommendation feed so it shouldn't be too much trouble. The only problem that comes to mind is: Would that be too much trouble for users to go through that process for every one of their feeds?

      Keep coming with your suggestions, please, and how are your recommendations by the way?

      And if it's not insanely popular (lol), it's because of:
      - lack of language filter
      - lack of aggregator support
      - lack of server power/storage


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