
AmphetaDesk / News: Recent posts

AmphetaDesk v0.93.1 Released

AmphetaDesk 0.93.1 has been released, containing numerous bug fixes. AmphetaDesk is a cross-platform (Windows, Mac, and *nix) news aggregator - it sits on your desktop, downloads the latest news that interests you, and displays them in a quick, easy to use and customizable webpage.

Released on October 31st 2002, v0.93.1 arrives due to the results of a gentleman's poll on the amphetadesk-discuss mailing list concerning larger or quicker releases (quicker releases are preferred). AmphetaDesk v0.93.1 includes a junkload of bugfixes, shuts down some possible security issues, and includes some minor feature tweaks and twiddles. Due to some of the security improvements, I consider this a required upgrade.

Posted by Morbus Iff 2002-10-31

AmphetaDesk v0.93 Released!

AmphetaDesk is a news aggregator - it sits on your desktop, downloads the latest news that interests you, and displays them in a quick, easy to use and customizable webpage.

Oh man. You *really* need to get this one. The popular RSS reader has an entirely new backend which makes it far more powerful than previous versions. Do not hesitate, else you're going to miss out.

Posted by Morbus Iff 2002-06-14

AmphetaDesk v0.92 Released!

This version of the crossplatform RSS reader contains several important fixes in respect to multiple language encodings, as well as tons of little tweaks and bug fixes. It's heartily recommended.

Posted by Morbus Iff 2001-10-04

AmphetaDesk v0.91 Released!

This version of the crossplatform RSS reader contains a number of important bug fixes, integration with, better browser compatibility with Mozilla and Opera (for Windows), and some additions to the Windows GUI.

Posted by Morbus Iff 2001-07-02

AmphetaDesk v0.90 Released!

AmphetaDesk v.90 has been released. This is a "road to 1.0" release - no more major features will be added to this syndicated news reader until after 1.0. Our focus on the .9x series will be optimizations, minor enhancements, bug fixes, and all the other sugar typical of point releases.

Posted by Morbus Iff 2001-05-30