
#14 User Profiles, Public Deployment, Datastore


I think this has already been sort of requested before
with the "AmphetaDesk as CGI script" thing (which I'd
also really like to see by the way...don't wait on that for
security concerns, .htaccess is easy and your users will
give you the best security debugging anyway :p), but
I'd like to flesh it out a bit more. Basically, what I'd like
to see is application-level authentication (as opposed to
external authentication enforcement, ie a firewall block
the port or .htaccess if it were a CGI script). In other
words, the application itself should ask for a username
and password. At least one global one...then AD could
theoretically be deployed on a public webserver safely.
Ideally though, there would be one "admin" login and
then zero or more "user" logins, each of which has zero
or more feed URLs. All the feeds could be aggregated by
the system at once (to avoid download duplication if
two users have the same feed). Then you could do
neat stuff like allowing the users to mark their feed URLs
public or private, and building a sitewide "recommended
reading" list from the public ones.
Oh, and I wouldn't have opened this separately but
since I'm already here, let me add myself to the list of
1.21 gigazillion people who have asked for
a "catchup"/"mark read" function. Eagerly awaiting 0.94
for this feature. :)


  • Morbus Iff

    Morbus Iff - 2003-08-29
    • assigned_to: nobody --> morbus
  • Morbus Iff

    Morbus Iff - 2003-12-12
    • summary: User Profiles --> User Profiles, Public Deployment, Combined Datastore
  • Morbus Iff

    Morbus Iff - 2003-12-12
    • summary: User Profiles, Public Deployment, Combined Datastore --> User Profiles, Public Deployment, Datastore

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