Cholera - 2011-05-18

Need some help from the collective mind, have nobody to ask.

I have managed to install Amos, but have a problem to get started.
I would like to convert my files into the format that is understandable by the Celera Assembly.

Run sff_extract on my .sff files and got .fasta, .qual and .xml. Put all into the same folder. Renamed name.fasta into
Running  perl tarchive2ca -o my_prefix ~/my_path/fasta.name01 ~/my_path/fasta.name02
It returns with: ERROR: Cannot find the quality file corresponding to /my_path/fasta.name01
Died at ~/amos-3.0.0/lib/AMOS/ line 272.

The .qual and .xml files are in the same directory, and have exactly the same name as the fasta. files. I've tried to cp them and rename in all possible ways, but no progress.
What am I doing wrong? Sorry if my question is stupid, I'm only learning.

Thank you in advance!