
amosvalidate error

  • Brian Forde

    Brian Forde - 2009-03-13


    I'm encountering the following error when running amosvalidate

    brian@Gaff[amos_bank_2] /usr/local/bin/amosvalidate 454Contigs                                                                                                                                      [12:01PM]
    The log file is: 454Contigs.runAmos.log
    Doing step 100:  Creating FastA
    Doing step 300:  Analyzing mate-pairs
    Command: /usr/local/bioinf/Amos/bin/asmQC -b 454Contigs.bnk -scaff -recompute -update -numsd 2 exited with status: 1

    Its worked the first time i ran it. however there was no mate pairs info in my bank.
    I remade the bank from my newbler assembly and use the xml out put from sff_extract as my matepair info.

    toAmos -ace ../454Contigs.ace -x 454Contigs_traceinfor.xml -o - | bank-transact -m - -b 454Contigs.bnk -c

    anyone have any ideas??



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Brian,

      Unfortunately, we don't support 454 mates at this time, so I recommend you skip the mate analysis of amosvalidate. Copy the amosvalidate script to a new location:

      $ cp /path/to/amos/bin/amosvalidate amosvalidate-nomates

      Edit the script to remove the mate analysis by commenting out steps 300-340

      ## Analyzing mate-pairs
      ## 300: $(BINDIR)/asmQC -b $(PREF).bnk -scaff -recompute -update -numsd 2
      ## 310: $(BINDIR)/asmQC -b $(PREF).bnk -scaff -recompute -update -numsd 2
      ## 320: $(BINDIR)/asmQC -b $(PREF).bnk -scaff -feat -numsd 3 -shortcvg -1 -longcvg -1
      ## 330: $(BINDIR)/cestat-cov -i -f 4 $(PREF).bnk > $(PREF).ce.feat
      ## 340: $(BINDIR)/loadFeatures -i $(PREF).bnk $(PREF).ce.feat

      Then try the new script
      $ amosvalidate-nomates 454Contigs

      Good luck!

      Michael Schatz

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is this still true? Does Amos not support 454 mates?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    You can specify pair information to the toAmos converter using the -m option when you load your reads. This expects a bambus-style mates file:

    If you can make this file, you can use any kind of mates you want. Just remember that Amos always expects mates to be of the "innie" variety (pointing towards each other). So you may have to change the orientation of the reads for certain pair library types.


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