
AMOScmp consensus error

  • kofoid

    kofoid - 2013-02-23

    (This same question was posed by Christophe Klopp (2007-11-23 15:49) with no  reply. )

    When I run AMOScmp, everything proceeds well until the consensus step, at which point test.runAmos.log reads

    !!! 2013-02-22 18:06:48  Doing step 50:  Running consensus
    !!! 2013-02-22 18:06:48  Running: /usr/local/bin/amos-3.1.0/bin/make-consensus -B -b /Users/kofoid/projects/inverted_duplications/Solexa/PacBio/10_8_2012/tt26834/test.bnk
    Starting on Fri Feb 22 18:06:48 2013

    Read bank is /Users/kofoid/projects/inverted_duplications/Solexa/PacBio/10_8_2012/tt26834/test.bnk
    Alignment error rate is 0.06
    Minimum overlap bases is 5
    Output will be written to the bank
    Input is being read from the bank
    ** AMOS Exception **
    WHAT: Cannot insert int key '1' multiple times
    LINE: 209

    !!! 2013-02-22 18:06:49  Command: /usr/local/bin/amos-3.1.0/bin/make-consensus -B -b /Users/kofoid/projects/inverted_duplications/Solexa/PacBio/10_8_2012/tt26834/test.bnk exited with status: 1
    !!! END - Elapsed time: 0d 0h 7m 42s

    I would appreciate any help getting past this problem.



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    That error is thrown when two objects with the same "iid" are entered in a bank. I would check the inputs - i.e. the reads and the contig layout - to check if there are any naming collisions. You can dump the contents at the bank after that failure with 'bank-report'. Unsure why any objects would be assigned the same id.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

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