

Lucio Marinelli


- updated PHP syntax and functions to comply with PHP versions since 7.0.0
- corrected bug in SQL query generating notice about last time inserted/changed anamnesipd
- the list of "anamnesi" and clinical scales is no longer within the database but in the please configure the new and remove the "listanamnesi" and "listascale" tables during upgrades!
- updated database_structure.sql
- minor code cleanup

- Updated phpMySQLAutoBackup to version 1.6.3 (refer to )
- added mysql_set_charset('utf8'); before all queries to allow correct write of extended characters to the database
- added mysql_query ("SET NAMES 'UTF8'") right after connecting to the database in order to force PHP to send characters as UTF8 instead of latin1 (based on instructions:
- updated database structure: all tables are InnoDB & utf8_unicode_ci (manually update your existing database!)
- database connect commands moved to required

- Deceased patients in a separate page
- Added age calculation also for "old" patients
- Changed collation in MySQL tables to UTF-8
- Improved CSS
- Improved JavaScript in visit list in order to link the visit label with the visit box

- Thorough CSS optimization for mobile visualization and CSS cleanup
- Improved HTML5 conformance
- Strenghtened security against MySQL injection attacks in the login page

- Removed default message from backup emails
- Layout optimized for mobile use
- General CSS cleanup favouring em units
- ANAGRAFICA_OLD now include patients who did not get in touch for the last 2 years; the page is separated from the original anagrafica
- Each patient visit has a white background if it'a a telephone/email visit, otherwise the background is yellow
- Added field "decesso" in table "anagrafica" to indicate deceased patients [TINY INT=1] correponding to a checkbox in mod_pz.php. Dead patients are moved to anagrafica_old list and a cross symbol is added next to the name - REMEMBER TO UPDATE THE ANAGRAFICA TABLE STRUCTURE!

- Fixed error inserting single quotes into MySQL database consequent to "magic quotes" suppression following upgrade to PHP 5.4. Added mysql_real_escape_string() filter to all fields before entering the query
- Changed field name "Codice esenzione" instead of "Numero libretto ASL" now almost useless (remember to purge existing content on the DB)
- Added HTML5 validation to all forms

- Report of last 20 logged operations added to statistics page
- Table layout corrected in statistics page

Future directions

  • Improving graphic and usability

  • Translate into English and languages other than Italian

  • Ambulatorio is currently designed for neurological "movement disorders" outpatients; making it suitable for other specialities implies adding specific structured history (anamnesi strutturata) and dedicated clinical scales (scale cliniche)

  • Adding support for databases other than MySQL (MariaDB...)

  • Improve code readability

  • Encrypt sensitive informations

  • ... suggest other implementations!

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