
procmail executed BEFORE amavis

  • Evilio del Rio

    Evilio del Rio - 2000-11-24


    I am using AMaViS with sendmail-8.9.3 and procmail-3.14-2
    in a RedHat 6.2 box. It is working ok for the majority of users. For some strange reason (, I suppose) all users having a ~/.procmailrc NEVER pass by the local mailer and so their messages are not scanned.

    I have inspected the and found (to my surprise) a mailer called procmail (apart from local):

    Mprocmail, P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=DFMSPhnu9,
        S=11/31, R=21/31, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
        A=procmail -Y -m $h $f $u

    I have tried to comment this mailer definition (leaving only the local one), but keeps using procmail directly.

    In fact, the messages are derived to the prog mailer who executes direcly procmail and there is no way to stop it (except by removing procmail from authorized program mailers).

    Anyone con tell me any idea to solve this, please?

    Thanks in advance,


    • Lars Hecking

      Lars Hecking - 2000-11-24

      The problem is not that ~/.procmailrc exists, but that most likely everyone with a .procmailrc runs
      procmail out of ~/.forward. In this case, the local mailer Mlocal (in our case: amavis) is
      never used.

      • Evilio del Rio

        Evilio del Rio - 2000-11-29

        Yes, I agree, the problem is that any user can create a ~/.procmailrc and so skip the virus checker. I was asking for some help to solve this problem. The question is:

        Why procmail is activated by the "prog" mailer when the user has a ~/.procmailrc?

        I want disable this feature but I do not know how.

        • Lars Hecking

          Lars Hecking - 2000-11-29

          Read my previous post again. The important factor here is the presence of a .forward file.

          If .forward contains a pipe, it is executed under Mprog.

          Check out your sendmail docs for smrsh.


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