
how to re-submit a 'quarantined' message

  • fabrice legrand

    fabrice legrand - 2003-11-19


    i'm using amavisd + spamassassin + sendmail,
    on a linux machine, mainly as a spam filter and also to block some unwanted files (exe, com, bat etc...).

    I would like to re-submit some of the blocked messages stored in /var/virusmail.

    I did not found a method to re-submit a blocked mail.

    Help with it will be greatly appreciated.

    • Sven

      Sven - 2004-12-23

      I know this is an old message, but I've just worked out a way (couldn't find anything anywhere!)

      I know this first part is probably not the best way of doing it, but its the only way I could think of.

      All of this is the root user on the mailing machine of course...

      1.  Add to the white list (thought that no one knows what the host name of the mailing machine is called!)

      2.  copy the blocked mail somewhere
         cp /var/spool/amavis/virusmails/blocked.gx ~/mail.forward.gz

      3. unzip it
         gunzip -d mail.forward.gz

      4. make sure that the to: line in the post is ok (some people send it to themselves and bcc the recipients)

      5.  send it on!
         cat mail.forward | sendmail
      (or if using postfix)
         cat mail.forward | sendmail.postfix

      Hope this is of use to some people.


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