
Paths in the development of AMADIS version 2.0

This week was the development team of AMADIS decided to make a big change in the technological structure of the system. After almost five years of development, we are droping PHP as our main language.
After almost 3 months of discussion, we decided to use Ruby and Rails as language and framework. This shift in the project's development was done because of the new features we want to implement in the upcoming version of the system. Yet we are very enthusiastic with the development of the Zend Framework, there is a felling in the AMADIS core team that RubyOnRail is a tool that fits much better with our application.
Yet the decision was made, there is still work being done in the PHP version of the system, and the next release of the system, version 1.4, that will be avaiable in the end of december, will be still in PHP.
The work in the Rails version has just started, and we hope to have a beta of version 2.0 in march or april.

Posted by Juliano Bittencourt 2006-11-27

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