
AlterCiv / News: Recent posts

People! Now some thing playable

Today I add new Bettle Demonstration program (

This is a playable (and by network too) demo of fight system of the game.

File to start is BattleDemo3

For networking need to be edited network addreses in the beginning of the file.

Without any changes runned BattleDemo3 and BattleDemo3dup allow to play locally.

When you are starting BattleDemo3
You first place and edit characteristics of your scuadrons, then push button "Connect" and connect with guy whom you want to play by network.... read more

Posted by Aku_Aku 2007-12-06

At last, something really intresting ;)

I upload the next, BattleDemo2, program.

There is a (still rather simple) small battlefield, where you can play with AlterCiv style units.

To start, you launch BattleDemo2 program.
Pick of anyone empty square and it will be initialized as Squadron, and it'a active.
You can move it on the field with Up,Down,Left,Right keys.
You can pick more Squadrons in such way.
And If it moved into square with other Squadron, it will be battle.... read more

Posted by Aku_Aku 2007-08-17

Battle Demonstration

There is some little program (BattleDemo)

that demonstrate some aspects of fight system of the game

Posted by Aku_Aku 2007-08-08

Make it in Python, first.. dude

First piece of code rewrited in Python are submitted.

Next, I think will be directly in CVS.

All people, who respond to my post in Help Wanted
and then was dysappointed.. my apologyes

I cannot give much time to this project, still. Sorry.

But.. I'll try to do my best.

Posted by Aku_Aku 2007-07-23

Let's go...

This is opensource.. and this is real life..
I cannot force you to do something and even will not to try.
But if you really intrested in the project, I shall select a suitable task for you. It's my promise.

Well.. you can see some available tasks in the Tracker (

Read News ( read more

Posted by Aku_Aku 2007-06-27

Tips for a new dev people

Opposite to usual situation with opensource games This project of a NEW game, NOT rewrited in opensource version of proprietary one.

From one point of view.. it's make work more difficult.
But from another.. more fun ;)

That's why I search not just a coders, but people intrested in design (OOP and OOD). The members of a team.

Since project is expected to be rather big
Needs to think about separation into some low-dependent modules. Separating visual part from main (gameplay engine) part. Networking interfaces.... read more

Posted by Aku_Aku 2007-06-21

ProtoTyping in Python

I decide to try to prototype game ideas in Python.
It's object-oriented and cross-platfored.
Also have (based on TCL) widget system.

Posted by Aku_Aku 2007-06-18

Prebirth (work plan)

Prebirth (work plan)

1.Realization of the fight system
result: program which demonstrate basic properties: moving of troops, fights; on a sketch-map.
time: 2 TIPs*

2.Realization the base behavior of cities
result: program which demonstrate basic conceptions of placing cites on the map, growth of city, concept of two plans (scales) of time\map.
time: 3 TIPs

3.Realization of conceptions of the point-of-sale\transport system
result: program which combine basic elements, in which it is already possible to play\ to watch the behavior of game model.
time: 2 TIPs... read more

Posted by Aku_Aku 2007-02-01

Game mode -- online miltiplayer portal

The model of game (as I see) offered here, have very interesting possibilities
It is possible to do a game so that a player was not tied to the concrete session of game.
To make -- online multiplayer strategy portal.
Like many online RPG we have now.

There is a server of game on which simultaneously started a few playing worlds.
Player logining on a server can, both to begin a new game or join to to already existing.
Regardless of at the beginning of game, in the middle or in the end.
And to abandon it in any comfortable for him time.... read more

Posted by Aku_Aku 2007-01-18

You are invited for comments

If you realy intrested in this project and have some to say
You can leave you comments as in the forum of this project as in other places

if you know Russian..

or in chat
ICQ: 339413786
IRC: #freeciv-dev (nik aku_aku)

Posted by Aku_Aku 2006-12-06

Vision (please forgive me my English, be patient)

First -- I will not lay out everything and at once, will be part by part and depending on activity of intrested people.. more active criticism -- more out
Second -- many things in my vision are associate and it is difficult to rotin them, therefore I often will only refer to some moments which will be talled later or were talled in another place. For example -- (reference: pedia-writers) -- people which will be engaged in filling (artistic?) of alteropedia, documentation, help.... read more

Posted by Aku_Aku 2006-11-18

AlterCiv is..

AlterCiv is a... further development of ideas of (Sid Meyer's) Civilization... incremental, multivariable, with modelling of global scope of history -- strategy game.

Game wishes

Further expansion, approaching to "realisticness" from primary idea of Sid is assumed. In fact when he created the Civilization, he oriented on table games ignoring wide possibilities are inherent by a computer by now.... read more

Posted by Aku_Aku 2006-11-16