ankita jain - 2019-09-18

I am trying to access USB MIC, UA MIC and USB HP UA HP , together at the same point of time and to transmit different waveforms in diffrent output devices. Presently I can access either of the one Input devices or either of the one output devices through appliction whereas I want both the input and output devices to be accessed at a time.

My application code is running successfully when device is chosen as default. If instead of default I am putting "plughw 0:0", I am getting the error as
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM plughw 0:0
cannot open audio device default (No such file or directory), is coming.

If someone can lemme know the steps, how to acces the two audio devices from the application code simultaneously.

Thanking you,
Ankita Jain(MRS)