
AlphaTcl / News: Recent posts

AlphaTcl now using SVN!

Starting from 2007-10-28, the code of the AlphaTcl library is under Subversion control.

The CVS repository is still in place but will not be used anymore: all new code should now be extracted from or committed to the SVN repository. There are currently two active branches of development: the trunk and branch branch-8_2a1d corresponding to the new menus and bindings model introduced in AlphaX vs 8.2a1 or greater.... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2007-10-28

AlphaTcl 7.6 Released

AlphaTcl 7.6 Release Announcement
Jan 28, 2003

The AlphaTcl community is pleased to announce the final release of AlphaTcl 7.6; the extensible, open-source, platform independent script library driving the Alpha* suite of text editors:
* Alpha7 (MacOS 9)
* Alpha8 (MacOS 9, in public beta testing)
* AlphaTk (Windows & UNIX & MacOS X)
* AlphaX (MacOS X, in private alpha testing, public beta release in the very near future)... read more

Posted by Daniel A. Steffen 2003-01-30

AlphaTcl 7.5 Released

AlphaTcl 7.5 Release Announcement
Feb 13, 2002

The AlphaTcl community is pleased to announce the final release of AlphaTcl 7.5; the extensible, open-source, platform independent script library driving the Alpha* suite of text editors:
* Alpha7 (MacOS 9)
* Alpha8 (MacOS 9, in public beta testing)
* AlphaTk (Windows & UNIX)
* AlphaX (MacOS X, in private alpha testing)

AlphaTcl contains very popular HTML & LaTeX syntax coloring and editing modes as well as modes for C, Perl, Tcl, Fortran and much more. AlphaTcl and all its standard modes, menus and packages contain some 170000 lines of code!... read more

Posted by Daniel A. Steffen 2002-02-13

ALPHA-D archives available

A hypermail archive of ALPHA-D traffic since 1996 is now available on

Note that this is a flat archive of 5893 post, so the index pages are huge (~800K) and not very convenient, but it's better than nothing...

The archive is not searchable, but the site URL has been added to google, hopefully they will index it soon.

I'm still trying to get geocrawler to integrate this archive into their new SourceForge list archives, so that we can abandon the flat inconvenient format.

Posted by Daniel A. Steffen 2001-03-31

AlphaTcl Wiki started

We have setup an installation of Wiki for the AlphaTcl project on

Edit away!

(for more on Wiki, see the Tcl'ers Wiki:\)

Posted by Daniel A. Steffen 2001-03-07