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File Date Author Commit
 doc 2014-05-10 LiQiong.Lee LiQiong.Lee [bd5466] Release 1.0:
 src 2014-05-10 LiQiong.Lee LiQiong.Lee [bd5466] Release 1.0:
 README 2014-05-10 LiQiong.Lee LiQiong.Lee [bd5466] Release 1.0:
 changelog 2014-05-10 LiQiong.Lee LiQiong.Lee [bd5466] Release 1.0:
 gpl-3.0.txt 2014-05-10 LiQiong.Lee LiQiong.Lee [bd5466] Release 1.0:

Read Me

\\ What is AlphaDict

AlphaDict is a lightweight, less dependence, cross platform open source 
dictionary software,supproting linux,unix and windows. 

AlphaDict has opened its dictionary format that you can make your own dictionary, 
also supports many third-party dictionary formats: cedict, startdict. 
AlphaDict has made some open source dictionaries, you can download from

\\ License

AlphaDict distributes under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 3 (GPLv3).
See accompanying file gpl-2.0.txt or a copy at  

\\ Installing the required packages.

AlphaDict depends:
  1) QT5(gui): "" 
  2) boost: ""

    sudo apt-get install libboost1.55-dev libboost-filesystem1.55-dev

\\ How to compile

# ./configure  
# ./configure --help
  can give you some useful information, if you get trouble and want to
  set some custom configurations to fix it.

# make 

# make install

# AlphaDict
  Now, You can enjoy 'AlphaDict'. 

# make uninstall

\\ How to make dictionary

AlphaDict has opened its dictionary format, see doc/dictionary_inner.pdf,
front-end_format.xml for more detail, encourage you to make your own dictionary.

Usually, you only need to know the 'front-end_format.xml',There are two steps
to make a dictioanry.
1) create a xx.xml accoring to front-end_format.xml.
2) use AlConvert to convert xx.xml to xx.aldict.
   # AlConvert xx.xml   xx
   AlConvert shall create a dictionary: xx.aldict.

doc/alphadict_en-ch.xml is a example, You can use them or refrence them to build your dictionary.
Also, You can get some dictonaries from here:

\\ where to put my dictionaries

For win32:  'installing direcotry'/dicts
For linux, unix:  /usr/local/share/alphadict/dicts

\\ how to use the third-party dictionary

AlphaDict don't support some dict formats directly but provides some tools to convert 
these third-party dictionary to AlphaDict's front-end xml. 

It's a little annoy,does it? Anyway,These tools are all python scripts, pretty simple.
They are easy to use and at 
    /usr/local/share/alphadict/tools  -- linux, unix
    'installing direcotry'/tools -- win32.

1) put all the files of startdict's dictionary to a directory like foo.
   foo/ [foo_xx.idx, foo_xx.ifo, foo_xx.dict]
2) # python  foo/foo_xx   foo_xx.xml
3) # AlConvert foo_xx.xml  foo_xx
     you will get foo_xx.aldict

You can downlaod the dictionaries of stardict from here:

Currently, only support 'text' format, please download 'text' insteadof 'xml' format.

# python  foo.txt
# AlConvert foo.xml foo
    you will get foo.aldict

You can download the cedict dicionary form here:

\\ How to report a bug, contribute or contact me.
Here is my email:
You can contact me for anything about this software.