
#253 Restoring Previous Versions Keyboard Shortcuts


Is it possible to get back to the old shortcuts from a few versions ago? I don't know exeactly when it happened, but recent versions of Alpha don't have the shortcuts I remember using for the last twenty years. Two shortcuts stick out for me: Uncomment Line and Embrace. I was able to get Uncomment Line back to the Ctrl-D shortcut from days of yore, restoring the system-wide Command-Option-D to hide and unhide the Dock. However, I have not been able to figure out how to restore Ctrl-B for Embrace. If it can't be restored, what shortcut is currently assigned to Embrace?



  • Bernard Desgraupes

    Hi John,
    concerning the Uncomment Line binding I can easily change it by default to ctrl-D. Is it the preferred binding for this ?

    Concerning Embrace, I must have missed something because it works perfectly well for me (but I do not have a recent version of OSX because my laptop was stolen and I'm currently working with an older machine with High Sierra). Has ctrl-B been hijacked by Big Sur ? Note that the Embrace package allows you to choose something different via the Embrace-trigger preference found in Alpha ↣ Preferences ↣ Package Preferences ↣ Other packages.

    • John

      John - 2021-05-31

      Hi Bernard,
      Thank you for your quick response. I forgot to mention that I’m using Alpha 9.2.3 on Catalina (10.15.7). I’m also running other computers with Mojave (10.14.6) and El Capitan (10.11.6), but nothing later. I have not yet ventured into Big Sur, so I can’t speak to any shortcuts it has hijacked.

      While I was surprised to find that a recent version of Alpha had taken back Command-Option-D from the Dock, I don’t need you to make any change there. I have already achieved the solution I need using Prefs.tcl.

      Thank you for letting me know that Embrace is still working on your system. Perhaps that means something is wonky with mine. I will have to investigate more deeply. Thank you also for telling me about the Embrace trigger preference. I think that must be what I’m seeking. However, perhaps my system is more wonky than I thought: The Other Packages pane of the dialog I get when I select Alpha -> Preferences -> Package Preferences has no mention of Embrace or any other trigger preference. It has just a ember-entry field for the Shell history size. Looking at the machine running Mojave, I see it has Alpha 9.1.1 and the Other Packages pane does offer an Embrace trigger. In fact, the Package Preferences dialogs are surprisingly different for such close versions. Stranger still, the machine running El Capitan has Alpha 9.2.3 and its Other Packages pane does have the Embrace trigger. The trigger is still set to B and hitting Ctrl-B works as expected. I guess it is time for a system rebuild, Joy.


      On May 31, 2021, at 10:37 AM, Bernard Desgraupes wrote:

      Hi John,
      concerning the Uncomment Line binding I can easily change it by default to ctrl-D. Is it the preferred binding for this ?

      Concerning Embrace, I must have missed something because it works perfectly well for me (but I do not have a recent version of OSX because my laptop was stolen and I'm currently working with an older machine with High Sierra). Has ctrl-B been hijacked by Big Sur ? Note that the Embrace package allows you to choose something different via the Embrace-trigger preference found in Alpha ↣ Preferences ↣ Package Preferences ↣ Other packages.

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    I don't see how << a recent version of Alpha had taken back Command-Option-D from the Dock >> because the bindings that are hijacked by the System do not even reach the application. The only possibility there, is that you defined something different for Hiding/Showing the Dock in the System preferences.

    Nevermind, I have now defined ctrl-opt-cmd-D as the default in Alpha for the Uncomment Line command.
    The Embrace thing seems to be solved now as you explained here.
    So I'm resolving this Ticket as fixed now.

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    • status: open --> fixed

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