
#247 Missing File Name Extensions


The latest version of Alpha does not seem to like file name extensions. Every time I try to create a copy of a document by choosing Save As from the file menu, the Save dialog defaults to the old file name without the extension. How do I get it to keep the same file name? Ideally, the save dialog would have the exact same name as the old file with just the name selected (not the period and not the extension).


  • Bernard Desgraupes

    Hi John,
    nothing has changed recently in this area in Alpha, Sometimes the system itself offers a Save As dialog with a checkbox "Hide Extension" checked (based on what, I can't tell). Do you observe this check box (usually in the left bottom corner of the dialog) ?
    Which version of OS X do you have ?

    • John

      John - 2021-03-21

      Hi Bernard,
      It sounds like this is not happening to you. Thank you for confirming this; it gives me hope I can get this resolved.

      Yes, I am familiar with the Hide Extension checkbox. When I first noticed the problem, I immediately checked to see if that was the problem. However, there is no such checkbox in Alpha’s Save As dialog box. Also, if that were the issue, the extension would still be there, so Alpha would correctly color the text. It does not in this case.

      I am using Alpha 9.2.2 on a 2019 MacBook Pro running macOS Catalina (10.15.7).

      What steps can I take to diagnose this issue?



      Last edit: Bernard Desgraupes 2021-03-22
    • John

      John - 2021-03-21

      For what it’s worth, I just did a tiny bit of digging and discovered that another computer running a different operating system and a different version of Alpha is also doing the same thing. This time, it is Alpha 9.0.7 on a 2008 MacBook Pro running OS X El Capitan (10.11.6). On a third computer, a 2014 MacBook Pro running Alpha 9.1.1 and macOS Mojave (10.14.6), I get the same results.



      Last edit: Bernard Desgraupes 2021-03-22
      • Fischlin Andreas

        Dear all,

        Just to cofirm, I have also observed this behavior many versions ago. However, at the moment I am afraid I cannot tell which version that was I observed this a bit annoying behavior the first time.


        ETH Zurich
        Prof. em. Dr. Andreas Fischlin
        IPCC Vice-Chair WGII
        Systems Ecology - Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics
        CHN E 24
        Universitaetstrasse 16
        8092 Zurich


        Last edit: Bernard Desgraupes 2021-03-22

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