
#243 Problems Loading Modes: Diff


I just installed AlphaCocoa 9.2.1 (freshly downloaded from Sourceforge) on a stock 2019 MacBook Pro running Catalina (10.15.7). After an uneventful copy from the .dmg to the Application folder, I lauched AlphaCocoa and was greeted by a dialog saying "Problems Loading Modes: Diff" and "Do you want to see the errors?" with No and Yes. Clicking Yes gave me "variable either doesn't exist or is local:" Nothing more.

I am currently running AlphaCocoa 9.2.1 on the identical hardware and the same operating system but with many customizations and added software. That installtion does not have this problem.

On the theory that I got a bad download, I tried removing AlphaCocoa and redownloaiding and reinstalling. No joy.

What is going wrong and what can I do to fix it?

Once the errors are displayed, I can use AlphaCocoa normally. However, file comparison does not seem to work. It works fine on my other computer.


Tickets: #243


  • Bernard Desgraupes

    Hi John,
    such an error occurs during startup when Alpha loads the initialization scripts of all the modes.

    Not sure what's going on but could you try the following experiment :

    • edit the file /Applications/

    • find the line that says

    prefs::modified DiffmodeVars
    • insert a # at the beginning of this line

    • save the file

    • quit Alpha and relaunch

    Does this solve the problem ?

    • John

      John - 2020-12-12

      Hi Bernard,
      Thank you. This seems to have solved the problem.


      On Dec 11, 2020, at 9:09 AM, Bernard Desgraupes wrote:

      Hi John,
      such an error occurs during startup when Alpha loads the initialization scripts of all the modes.

      Not sure what's going on but could you try the following experiment :

      • edit the file /Applications/

      • find the line that says

      prefs::modified DiffmodeVars
      • insert a # at the beginning of this line

      • save the file

      • quit Alpha and relaunch

      Does this solve the problem ?

      [tickets:#243] Problems Loading Modes: Diff



      Tickets: #243

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    Hi John,
    I have tested this directly and indeed this is the problem.
    This is fixed now.
    Changes committed to the repository (rev. 1985). The indices must be rebuilt.

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    • status: open --> fixed
  • Bernard Desgraupes

    • status: fixed --> closed
    • Version: 9.2 --> 9.2.2

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