In TeXmode, if after typing
I move the cursor back to put it between { and }
and then I use the key TAB, then \label{}• is removed.
If follow the same steps with say ref, i.e.
\ref{}• , back between { and } and TAB, I jump to the next stop, i.e., I get
with the cursor after }
Actually this strange behavior seems to occur only with \label. I understand that a "label" should be entered between { and }. But I want to be free to do it rigth away or later.
Question: is there a way to disable this feature.
Note that, on purpose, I am not using the binding (and proc) which creates \label{}• . In doing so, I want to argue that the problem is not with this proc, but seems to be in the proc elec::nextStopOrIndent given by Tab. But why is the behavior different between \label{}• and \ref{}•
Hi Laurent,
thank you for reporting this oddity. It is indeed quite surprising and I don't see the rationale here. The same happens if you have something like
and similarly with a few other hardcoded prefixes.
The culprit is found in proc
(in file latexEnvironments.tcl). To get ridd of this behaviour, you should comment out lines 1285-1288.Unless I hear objections, I'll remove all this part of the code.
Last edit: Bernard Desgraupes 2020-05-22
This is fixed now.
Changes committed to the repository (rev. 1901).
Cher Bernard
A nouveau un grand merci pour votre aide pour cet autre problème. Au moins cette fois, ce n'est pas ma configuration qui est en cause.
Par contre je vois que cette proc TeX::nextStop est déjà sous cette forme
FILE: "latexEnvironments.tcl"
created: 11/10/1992 {10:42:08 AM}
last update: 2011-10-24 21:19:50
Il est donc étrange que le problème que je mentionne n'ait pas déjà été signalé depuis 2011. Ces 4 lignes ont donc peut-être leur raison d'être pour une toute autre cause. Donc comme vous érivez
Unless I hear objections
Bien cordialement
Laurent Praly
Last edit: Bernard Desgraupes 2020-05-26
let me say that there is some rational in the behavior: \label{}• is removed only if the label si empty. Since an empty label does not make any sense, deleting the label command is reasonable.
But it is fine with me if the behavior is changed.
best regards
Last edit: Bernard Desgraupes 2020-05-26
In fact, I agree with Vittorio that the deletion of empty
macros is quite useful inside math environment templates: if you don't want the label, just press Tab instead of removing it manually.So, there is now a new preference in LaTeX mode called Tab Deletes Empty Labels to control this behavior. For compatibility, it is activated by default. It can be unset in the Electrics panel of the Alpha ↣ TeX Mode Setup ↣ Mode Preferences dialog.
But then why this behavior for \label{} only, why not also for \bibitem{}, \ref{}, \cite{}, ... ?
My view point is:
If you don't want a label you do not enter it, instead of entering it and then deleting it with a procedure nominally supposed to move the cursor to the next or previous bullet and in particular to exit the range of {}
It is anyway a good thing that we can monitor the behavior. Thank you for this.
Laurent Praly
Last edit: Bernard Desgraupes 2020-05-26
We are speaking here about the situation where templates introduce empty labels. For instance, if you insert a template for the align environment (select Maths Environments > align… and, say, choose 2 equations), here is what Alpha inserts in your document (the vertical bar here shows the location of the insertion cursor):
Now when you press the Tab key in order to fill the template, if you do not want a label it vanishes automatically. If you want one, just fill it out. This is very handy.
OK. Thanks for the clarification. In this case I do agree. This is very handy
A : "[alphacocoa:tickets] " <>
Envoyé: mardi 26 Mai 2020 10:06
Objet : [alphacocoa:tickets] #233 tab after \label{}• in TeX mode
We are speaking here about the situation where templates introduce empty labels. For instance, if you insert a template for the align environment (select Maths Environments > align… and, say, choose 2 equations), here is what Alpha inserts in your document (the vertical bar here shows the location of the insertion cursor):
Now when you press the Tab key in order to fill the template, if you do not want a label it vanishes automatically. If you want one, just fill it out. This is very handy.
[tickets:#233] tab after \label{}• in TeX mode
Status: fixed
Created: Wed May 20, 2020 03:32 PM UTC by Laurent PRALY
Last Updated: Tue May 26, 2020 05:03 AM UTC
Owner: nobody
In TeXmode, if after typing
I move the cursor back to put it between { and }
and then I use the key TAB, then \label{}• is removed.
If follow the same steps with say ref, i.e.
\ref{}• , back between { and } and TAB, I jump to the next stop, i.e., I get
with the cursor after }
Actually this strange behavior seems to occur only with \label. I understand that a "label" should be entered between { and }. But I want to be free to do it rigth away or later.
Question: is there a way to disable this feature.
Note that, on purpose, I am not using the binding (and proc) which creates \label{}• . In doing so, I want to argue that the problem is not with this proc, but seems to be in the proc elec::nextStopOrIndent given by Tab. But why is the behavior different between \label{}• and \ref{}•
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